  • 期刊


Macau juvenile delinquency patterns and related legislative measures and prevention strategies




Due to the unique social characteristics of the Special Administrative Region of Macao in comparison with other regions and countries, this study aims to, firstly, identify the negative impacts of Macao’s rapid economic development, especially that of the gaming industry, on the mentality development of Macao teenagers. Then, the problem of juvenile delinquency in Macao, as well as its causes, will be investigated, which will be followed by a subsequent discussion on its corresponding legislative measures and strategies. Based on juvenile delinquency-related academic theories, this study analyzes data collected from Internet public resources, government official publications and qualitative interviews with professionals with practical experience of youth development work. The above data reveals, due to Macao’s rapid economic development driven by its gaming industry, the adverse impacts on the formation of adolescent identity in relation to the social and familial aspects, personal mentality, values and criminal character. Therefore, it is proposed that legislative measures concerning youth values, peer relationships, school and family education, and youth criminal policies should be imposed to improve the juvenile delinquency prevention policies in Macao, which can also serve as a valuable reference for the prevention of juvenile problems in Taiwan.
