  • 期刊

Statin-Induced Lung Injury: A Case Report



HMG-CoA還原酶抑制劑(HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors)或稱為statins,是治療高血脂症的常用藥物。一般而言,statins具有良好的安全性,其副作用多半輕微、短暫。我們報告一例疑似rosuvastatin引致肺部損傷的病例,因其支氣管肺泡灌洗液(bronchoalveolar lavage fluid)有很多泡沬狀細胞(foamy cells)且其臨床症狀和肺病病灶在停用rosuvastatin和類固醇治療浙獲改善。基於statins引致肺傷害的臨床症狀、影像學所見、肺組織病理結果、類固醇治療之效應及停藥後的反應差異頗大,準此,對服用statins藥品的病人,若出現不明原因呼吸困難或胸部影像學檢查發現肺部有異常時,應考應藥物引致肺傷害的可能性。


The 3-hydroxy-3-methylgultaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, are the most prescribed drugs for treating hypercholesterolemia. Generally, statins have an excellent safety profile and the adverse effects are mild and transient. We report a patient who had drug-induced lung injury probably caused by rosuvastatin, as suggested by numerous foamy cells present in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The patient showed clinical improvement after discontinuation of the drug and corticosteroid treatment. Since the clinical course, imaging findings and response to corticosteroid treatment have varied widely in the reported cases of stain-induced lung injury, a high index of suspicion and awareness of the adverse effects of statins are mandatory for an early diagnosis.
