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Description of a Newly Recorded Amphidromous Goby, Stiphodon pelewensis Herre, 1936 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Southeastern Taiwan



本文根據一個採集自臺灣東南部旭海溪的帛琉枝牙鰕虎Stiphodon pelewensisHerre, 1936標本,詳加描述並發表成為臺灣的一個新記錄兩側洄游型淡水魚種。採集自臺灣的帛琉枝牙虎經檢視後具有以下重要的形態特徵:(1)第二背鰭具有1根硬棘與9根軟鰭條,臀鰭具有1根硬棘與10根軟鰭條,胸鰭具有15根軟鰭條,縱列鱗數33,斜列鱗數10,第一背鰭前鱗列數8。(2)第一背鰭呈三角形,第四及第五根硬棘最長。(3)頭部及軀體綠褐色並具有金屬光澤,頰部與鰓蓋呈亮綠色。體側具有5個X形的不明顯斑塊。胸鰭基部具有一個大型的黑色圓形斑塊,鰭膜具有5列垂直分布的黑色線紋。尾鰭具有橘紅色邊緣,鰭膜具有5列垂直分布的黑色不明顯線紋。


We described Stiphodon pelewensis Herre, 1936 as a newly recorded amphidromous goby in Taiwan based on an adult male specimen which collected from Syuhai River, Southeastern Taiwan. Stiphodon pelewensis can be well identified from other congeners by the following features: (1) second dorsal fin rays I/9. Anal fin rays I/10. Pectoral fin rays 15. Longitudinal scale series 33. Transverse scale series 10. Predorsal scales 8. (2) First dorsal fin spine triangle-shaped, the fourth and fifth spines longest. (3) Head and body generally brownish green and with metallic luster. Cheek and snout always bright green. Caudal fin base with a large sized black round mark. Side of trunk with about 5 indistinct X-shaped blotches. Pectoral fin base with a distinct round black mark, fin membrane with 5 rows of vertically aligned black lines. Caudal fin with orange red margin, fin membrane with about 5 rows of indistinct vertically aligned black lines.
