  • 期刊


Initial Proposal for the Model of Performance Evaluation on the Assistance of the Consultant Specialized in Farm Management in Taiwan



行政院農業委員會在農業企業化經營的政策引導下,培養了七十位「農業經營管理顧問專家」,作為推動農業企業化經營的種子師資。為協助這些農業經營管理顧問專家在輔導過程中有系統地紀錄保留當時資料,做為往後評估分析的依據,有必要建構一種客觀且能實際應用的績效估標準,做為輔導人員努力的方向及政策推動效果的評量基礎。因此,本文的目的為研析農民組織(產銷班)與顧問專家的團隊績效評估指標訂定原則,俾能符合管理理論及實際的需要。並據以建立農業經營管理顧問專家輔導績效評估指標,更進而提出該績效評估的制度架構。 在確立了團隊績效評估的原則應包括有目標導向、注重均衡、量化與非量化並重、適時調整及建立資訊基礎等五大原則後,本文設計四步驟的評估模式為設定目標、影響目標因素的展開、確認誘因及建立評估指標等。並初步描繪農業經營管理顧問專家輔導績效評估之架構,包括顧問專家角度與產銷班角度的雙面績效評估及建議初步應用的三十一個評估指標。期使在這些評估指標的激勵下,所有參與者逐步達成政策目標,並得到持續成長、終身學習與永續經營的價值。 將此初步架構應用在臺南縣南化鄉果樹產銷班第十五班之輔導案例中,實證結果顯示所提架構與所建立之平衡計分卡均屬可行,在顧問專家角度中,評估結果與目標並無太大的差異,惟在創新與學習成長項目中,並無法有效衡量創新學習的品質,因此指標仍有修正的必要。而產銷班角度的平衡計分卡,讓整體產銷班的表現十分投入,最重要的收入也而提高許多。所以,評估指標能提供團隊的誘因使顧問專家與受輔導之產銷班成員努力達成目標,達到激勵的效果。未來實務上仍需對這些指標續予精練,以更符合實際的需要。


In order to guide the farmers to learn how to manage their farm like a business, the agricultural department of Taiwan’s government, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, had trained 70 Consultants specialized in farm management to give assistance to the farmers. However, what the achievements is and how to know the consultants performance are difficult to measure. We have to construct a model to evaluate the consultants’ team performance. This article suggests an initial valuation proposal on the consultants’ works and a systematic skeleton on their performance. After determining the principles about valuation on team works’ performance including objective orientation, balance on targets, equally emphasized quantification and non-quantification, flexible adjustment in proper time, and based on information, this article designs a four-steps-model to evaluate the consultants’ team performance. They are setting objectives, finding the factors obtaining the target, finding the incentives for the workers and confirming the incentives are truly the workers need. The last step is finding the indicators of valuation on the consultants’ team works, gathering them up and making a balanced scorecard. In order to go to the target, there are two performance views including 31 indicators and a systematic skeleton to be set up in this article. The final of this paper applies the model to the case of assistant on Tainan’s fifteenth group of fruit production and marketing organizations. The evidence shows that the model is feasible to the case, and offers incentives to achieve the objectives. The indicators are also useful in the other cases, but should revise some shortcomings to make it more feasible and helpful.


