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Oil Content Measurement of Peanuts and Sesames Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Method


本研究對芝麻與花生以脈衝式核磁共振(Pulsed NMR)之自由感應衰減訊號(FID)法以及核自旋迴訊(Spin-echo)法進行含油率量測與分析比較,分別對三批市售生黑芝麻、白芝麻與花生,以及十個國內培育品系黑芝麻進行實驗。進行檢量線之建立與量測首先必須確立儀器與程式相關參數以及環境條件等變因之一致性以及選擇適當的參數。掃描次數與脈衝間距為重要的設定參數,而溫度亦為影響量測誤差之重要變因,建立檢量線之校正樣本溫度應與量測時之測試樣本溫度相同。以40o℃檢量線直接量測25℃溫樣本可造成達2.6%之量測誤差,校正樣本溫度與測試樣本溫度相同時,25℃室溫以及40℃恆溫檢量線之州與馱相近,量測值之砟也相近。本研究之實驗結果顯示應用核磁共振的FID法,黑芝麻、白芝麻檢量線具有高線性關係,屬都在0.99以上,花生檢量線之線性關係較差,但躍也有0.97以上。相對於溶劑萃取法所測得之含油率,黑芝麻與白芝麻之平均量測誤差接近,介於0.67-2.04%之問。花生於限制量測10-50%含油率範圍之條件下可得到最好的試樣平均量測誤差為1.47±1.22%。對不同種類之試樣,需要建立個別的檢量線以降低量測誤差。應用核磁共振的Spin-echo法,檢量線如同FID法一般,亦均具有高的線性關係,攤都在0.98以上。


FID and spin-echo signals of pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were applied for the determination of oil contents of sesames and peanuts in this research. Experiments were performed on ten varieties of domestic black sesames and three commercial batches of black sesames, white sesames and peanuts. Consistent instrument setup conditions and temperature control are important factors during calibration and measurement procedures using NMR method. Numbers of scan and pulse separation are two major setup parameters while temperature also affects the measurement error significantly. There was a measurement error of 2.6% when the 40℃ calibration equation was used to predict the oil content of sample at 25℃. When the sample temperatures during calibration and measurement were consistent, the R^2c and Sy(subscript c), of both 25℃ and 40℃ calibration equations, and the R of measured oil contents were similar. Experimental results showed that the calibrations of FID signal versus oil content of black sesames and white sesames were highly linear with all R values greater than 0.99. For peanuts of different batches, the R values were greater than 0.97. Compared to the standard Soxhlet extraction method, the average measurement error of oil contents for white sesames and black sesames were comparable and ranged from 0.67~2.04%. The best average measurement error obtained for peanuts was 1.47±1.22% when the range of measurement was restricted within 10-50% oil content. While applying the NMR method to oil content measurements, it is better to build the specific calibration equation for each corresponding variety, specie, or batch of oil seeds in order to reduce measurement error. Oil content determination using spin-echo method was similar to that of FID method. The calibration equations of three kinds of tested oil seeds were highly linear with all their R values greater than 0.98.


NMR Sesame Peanut Oil Content FID Spin-Echo


