

農業防檢疫與醫療快篩漸漸受到重視,為能耗費較少的人力資源及縮短診斷的等待時間,新興的檢驗型式改採具快速、簡便的可攜式(portable)檢驗儀器,能在數分鐘內獲得檢驗結果,將有助於從事生物產業的人員進行第一線檢驗工作。本團隊欲將現有的核酸檢測試驗法整合成可攜式儀器,以光學的方式進行生物分子的快速檢測。為了能達到縮小儀器體積的目標,我們選用具有體積小與低耗能優點的LED作為螢光的激發光源,搭配亮場型光學機構對待測樣本進行激發,產生的螢光則藉由透鏡聚焦至光電二極體,以提升感測效能。期望能開發出具低成本、輕量化、低耗能特性之螢光模組,對病原進行即時鑑定。本研究發展之核酸檢測模組已經可以成功的對肺結核病原的特徵DNA進行檢測,其偵測極限約為4 ng/40 μl,檢測線性範圍為10 ng~1000 ng,具有相當良好的檢測效能。未來有機會成為現場檢疫人員快速、高靈敏度的疾病檢測儀器。


People have gradually focused on agricultural quarantine and medical rapid screening. To reduce the cost and waiting time of diagnosis, emerging portable inspection instruments with rapid and convenient characteristics have been utilized. The instruments can attain inspection results within a few minutes and contribute to the personnel of bio-industry in site inspection. The LEDs has the properties of small size and low energy consumption, so we utilized it as excited light of a fluorescence detection module in order to develop a portable device that monitors pathogens instantly. The LED-based fluorometer adopted a linear design of optical mechanism. The LEDs exciting fluorescence focused to the photodiode by a lens, enhancing the signal sensing performance. To facilitate users operating at the scene, the test platform was designed in form of cartridge-style and the samples were laid on test pieces. We verified the nucleic acid fluorescence sensing by blending Mycobacterium tuberculosis with SYBR® Green I. According to the results, this fluorescence module can detect DNA molecules for about 4 ng/40 μl and the linear range was 10 ng~1000 ng. The high reproducibility of the fluorescence detection module can provide quarantine officers a fast and reliable detection equipment.
