  • 期刊


Earmarking of Funds and Social Rent Seeking Waste


透過調整Katz et al.(1990)所建立的經費使用集團(區域)競租分析架構,本文將集團成員偏好之經費用途可能並不相同的情況納入考慮,建立一個經費使用對象(集團)暨使用途徑競租分析模型,利用此一模型,我們除了探討現實世界中常見的經費指定,將會對於社會競租活動以及社會競租浪費產生怎樣的影響效果外,本文也進一步比較了政府經費使用受到不同型態限制(使用對象受指定或用途受指定)下的社會競租浪費水準。本文發現,經費使用對象或用途受指定,在某些情況下將會導致社會競租浪費水準提高。這項發現與經費受指定,將導致競租者投入競租活動之意願降低,並造成社會競租浪費減少的經濟直觀有所不同。


This paper adjusts the model of regional-based rent-seeking for funds in Katz et al. (1990). We take into consideration the probable heterogeneity in group members' preference for uses of funds, and construct a model of rent-seeking for funds based on groups and uses. Using our model, we investigate the effect of earmarking of funds on rent-seeking waste. In addition, we compare the difference of rent seeking waste when the utilization of funds faces different types of restrictions (i.e. earmarking by groups or uses). This paper finds that earmarking of funds may increase rent-seeking waste in some cases.


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