  • 期刊


Trace Minerals Status during General Preparation Phase of Swimming Training


Background: Few data exist on the effect of endurance and intense swimming training on body trace minerals status. Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) are associated with the balance of anabolic and catabolic processes regulating the renewal of soft and skeletal tissues. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se during general preparation phase of swimming training (GP) and progress velocity of endurance swimming (PS). Methods: Fourteen college female swimming athletes (mean age 18.86±1.56 yrs; height 161.92±5.28 cm; weight 59.00±10.24 kg) participated in this study, Subjects had blood sample collected 1hours prior to GP, PS, and immediately following the PS. Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se concentrations in the serum specimens were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), and repeated measure t-test was involved for data analysis. Results: After GP, there were no significant change in serum Cu and Se concentrations (p>.05), while serum Fe and Zn concentrations increased significantly (p<.05). After PS, there was no significant change in serum Se concentration (p>.05), serum Fe and Cu concentrations decreased significantly (p<.05), Zn increased significantly (p<.05). Conclusions: Serum Fe and Zn concentrations increased when GP ending. This might result from the improvement of aerobic capacity. Serum Fe and Cu concentrations decreased and Zn increased after PS, possibly related to oxidize stress. But the interaction among Fe, Cu and Zn still need further research to clarify.


Background: Few data exist on the effect of endurance and intense swimming training on body trace minerals status. Iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and selenium (Se) are associated with the balance of anabolic and catabolic processes regulating the renewal of soft and skeletal tissues. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se during general preparation phase of swimming training (GP) and progress velocity of endurance swimming (PS). Methods: Fourteen college female swimming athletes (mean age 18.86±1.56 yrs; height 161.92±5.28 cm; weight 59.00±10.24 kg) participated in this study, Subjects had blood sample collected 1hours prior to GP, PS, and immediately following the PS. Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se concentrations in the serum specimens were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), and repeated measure t-test was involved for data analysis. Results: After GP, there were no significant change in serum Cu and Se concentrations (p>.05), while serum Fe and Zn concentrations increased significantly (p<.05). After PS, there was no significant change in serum Se concentration (p>.05), serum Fe and Cu concentrations decreased significantly (p<.05), Zn increased significantly (p<.05). Conclusions: Serum Fe and Zn concentrations increased when GP ending. This might result from the improvement of aerobic capacity. Serum Fe and Cu concentrations decreased and Zn increased after PS, possibly related to oxidize stress. But the interaction among Fe, Cu and Zn still need further research to clarify.


GP PS Fe Cu Zn Se


