  • 期刊


The Marketing Research of Sport Video Game and In-Game Advertising


運動相關業者,除了利用傳統的傳播媒體作為行銷工具外,尋求新穎及創新的行銷方法是必要的手段。運動電玩中的電玩遊戲內置廣告(in-game advertising, IGA),提供了業者一個十分具有商業潛力的行銷管道。儘管美國運動行銷及相關業者已積極開發此目標市場,並獲得龐大的利益,然而,臺灣的運動行銷及相關業者,對於此一領域,卻仍處於探索階段。因此,本文透過資料分析及整理,描述美國運動電玩市場的龐大商機,以及臺灣電玩遊戲市場現況,並對電玩遊戲內置廣告做基本之闡述,盼能提供臺灣運動行銷及相關業者另一種行銷手法及思維。


Apart from the traditional media channels for advertising, the sports-related companies are keen to explore an innovative marketing channel to outreach their potential customers. A fairly new marketing channel called in-game Advertising (IGA) embedded in the sports video games is able to bring advertisers many commercial possibilities. Although American sport marketing and sports-related businesses have aggressively developed this target market and being gained the harvest, the sport marketing and sports-related companies in Taiwan are still at the exploration stage regarding this new medium. Therefore, by analysis and reorganization on the materials, this article was aimed to elaborate the huge business opportunities of the sport video game in the U.S. market and the present market situation in Taiwan and to introduce the basic concept of in-game advertising. It is expected to provide the sport marketing and sports-related businesses in Taiwan with an alternative and idea in the subject of marketing techniques.


巴哈姆特電玩資訊站(2009)。2009 英國全國玩家調查指出73% 英國民眾定期玩遊戲。上網日期:2009 年10 月2 日, 資料引自http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/39700.html
浩騰媒體月報(2009)。臺灣電玩遊戲市場及電玩廣告。上網日期:2009 年8 月1 日, 資料引自http://www.slideshare.net/yesonline/200908-1920889
財團法人資訊工業策進會(2004)。資策會資訊市場情報中心統計報告。MIC-AISP 情報顧問服務網站。上網日期:2009 年1 月17 日,資料引自http://mic.iii.org.tw/intelligence
