  • 期刊


Household Structure and Its Division in Colonial Taiwan-Analysis of Four Settlements in Xinzhu


家庭是傳統漢人社會的重要基礎社會單位,家庭結構則是漢人社會的核心研究課題之一。粗略而言,漢人家庭可分為核心、主幹,與聯合家庭(或稱擴展家庭)三種基本型態。姑且不論其對錯,由父母及其未婚與已婚子女,與已婚子女之妻兒所組成的聯合家庭常被認為是漢人社會的主要家庭型態。而「分家」常使得家庭型態由某一類型 轉換成另一種型態較小、人數較少的類型。本研究以「臺灣日治時期戶口調查簿資料庫(1906-1945)」資料做為實證研究基礎,研究者企圖探討哪些家庭成員(特別是男子)會步入分家的過程?分家時,家戶又是處在何種狀態?具體而言,研究者採用量化研究方法,探討個人性因素與家庭人口結構特徵對於個人分家發生風險的影響效果。無論是以簡單的分家發生率或是複雜的歷史事件分析方法研究者均發現,家戶男性個人的出生序與其婚姻狀態,以及家戶內家庭結構(例如:已婚兄弟所占之比例,與父母的存歿與居住狀態)明顯影響其分家行為發生的可能性。然而,本研究的發現與二十世紀後半葉的研究結果略有不同,而這些差異主要根源於社會結構的轉變;分家行為伴隨社會結構的轉型而改變發生的時間點、形式與步驟。


日治時期 家庭結構 分家


The family is the fundamental unit of social organization in traditional Han Chinese society. Family structure therefore is a core topic in Sinology. General speaking, there are three family types: conjugal, stem, and extended forms. The extended form consisting of a couple, their married and unmarried sons and daughters, and the third-generation offspring has traditionally been thought of as the ideal type of family. A family starts with a conjugal unit, and further develops into a stem and/or an extended form. Family division is a process that usually transforms a family into a smaller type with fewer family members. In the present study, the researchers are particularly interested in learning who divided themselves from their original families and created their own, and who did not. Data are drawn from the "Taiwan Historical Household Registers Database, 1906-1945 (THHRD)." Because Taiwan generally is a patriarchal and patrilineal society, we particularly investigate the likelihood of family division of male actors. Specifically, the research focuses on the factors at the individual level and those representing family structure, and explores their effects on the likelihood of family division. Based on two data analysis approaches, including the prevalence of family division by individual and family structure characteristics, and the event history analysis approach, we find that, first, personal demographic characteristics such as birth order and marital status matter. Second, the proportion of married male siblings within a family and the presence of parents are also associated with the likelihood of family division. However, our findings are slightly different from the research in the second half of the 20th century. Our explanation for the disparity is because of the change of social and economic structure which affects the timing and the process of family division.


