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Treating a Missed Abortion Patient by Traditional Chinese Medicine


在育齡期婦女自然懷孕率正常來說有14-17%,而出現萎縮卵的情形(Blighted Ovum),發生率約在7-9%左右,一般西醫常規治療多會建議施行子宮刮除術(Dilation and Curettage),而中醫古籍也主張積極介入,然而目前此類之中醫治癒病例報告並不多。此病例是一位29歲婦女,妊娠十週經西醫婦產科確診為萎縮卵,希望藉由中醫療法,協助其萎縮胚胎之排出。本病例經由傅青主加減生化湯,順利排出萎縮卵,或許可提供不想手術的婦女一個替代的方案。


萎縮卵 胎死不下 中醫 流產


Approximately one in four women will experience a miscarriage during her lifetime. For more than 50 years, the standard management of early pregnancy failure has been dilatation and curettage. Despite clinical guidelines recommending this procedure, which is performed in an operation room, it still can lead to a number of undesirable complications such as infection, endometrial adhesion, and infertility. Not surprisingly, many women who have had a miscarriage have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in search of a non-invasion approach to managing their anembryonic gestation. TCM has been an important part of Taiwan's health care for hundreds of years and TCM practitioners in Taiwan have accumulated considerable experience in treating various gynecological disorders. A 29-year-old female patient experienced a miscarriage at 10 weeks, which was confirmed by her gynecologist a few days prior to seeking TCM advice. The fsiled embryo was completely expelled after taking Jia-Wey-Sheng-Hua- Tang, which is a well known formula described by Fu Qing-Zhu. Its purpose is described as targeting syndromes associated with coagulation cold due to blood deficiency and static blood obstruction. In this case, we adopted its efficacy at reducing dampnessheat and applied it as a short-term auxiliary treatment for acute epididymitis. This approach now seems to offer a non-invasive alternative treatment for miscarriage.
