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《今昔物語集》震旦部卷十〈嫗每日見卒堵婆付血語第卅六〉論-陷湖傳說的教訓-|"The Story of the Old Woman Went to See the Stupa Every Day and Found that It Was Stained with Blood" in Section Cathay by Konjyaku Monogatarisyu Volume 10 Issue 36: The Admonishment from the Legend of Town Flooded into Lake




陥没伝説 卒塔婆


《今昔物語集》卷十當中收錄的〈嫗每日見卒堵婆付血語〉,記述了一場因年輕人的魯莽行為所引發的災禍。此類傳說在鄰近的中國、日本、韓國等地廣泛傳播,直到近代仍延續不墜。在日本,同樣的内容亦收錄於《宇治拾遺物語》之中,先行研究指出《今昔物語集》與《宇治拾遺物語》所收的為同一作品,然而仔細比對兩篇作品卻可發現明顯的差異。本研究聚焦於《今昔物語集》〈嫗每日見卒堵婆付血語〉一文,對照《宇治拾遺物語》的〈唐卒都婆付血事〉,以及中國、日本、韓國流傳的相關作品,檢視其間的異同,探討陷湖傳說的意義所在。希望藉由〈嫗每日見卒堵婆付血語〉與他作的不同之處,分析《今昔物語集》的編輯者在編輯與卷名源出同一國家的作品、以及非出自同一國家的作品時,是否有編輯手法的差異,進而追溯其編輯過程。|"The story of old woman went to see the stupa everyday founding that was stained with blood" which collected in Section Cathay by Konjyaku Monogatarisyu, described the disaster caused by young men reckless behavior. Such legends have spread widely like China, Japan, Korea, until now. The same content in Japan is also included in Uji Shūi Monogatari, but obvious differences were found in prior research about Konjyaku Monogatarisyu and Uji Shūi Monogatari. This research focuses on the text and examines the similarities and differences with Uji Shūi Monogatari and related works circulated by China, Japan, and Korea, trying to realize the significance of the legend that town flooded with lakes. This research tries to analyze the editing methods of Konjyaku Monogatarisyu when editing the works from the same country as the volume name, and the works that are not from the same country, which by comparing the above stories. Further trace its editing process.


陳夢雷「歴陽湖」『古今図書集成・職方典』 (参照20200110)
馬総『意林』『四部叢刊初編』 (参照20200109)
李昉『太平御覧』巻六六 (参照20200115)
李昉『太平広記』 (参照20200115)
劉之遴『神録』 (参照20200215)。
