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給「國語」的提問信-在日台籍作家溫又柔〈中間的孩子們〉論-|Inquiry to the national language: From the perspective of Taiwanese lived in Japan, Wen Yourou(溫又柔)'s "Children in the center"




台灣文學自戰前便可觀測到由於多文化而產生在語言、文化上的混雜(Hybrid)的現象。而戰後伴隨全球化的離散活動中,也產生了許多台籍日語作家。探討其本質與跨越語言及文化的文學展演時,有必要同時理解台灣文學這個新的面向。本文將根基於以上的社會背景之考察,以溫又柔候選芥川獎之作〈中間的孩子們〉(集英社,2017.4)為探究對象,以認同理論及翻譯理論,並徵引溫又柔的散文集《我住在日語》(聯合文學,2017.3。日文版原題《台湾生まれ日本語育ち》,白水社,2015.12),闡明溫又柔創作當中的論辯、自我翻譯的表現、眾聲喧嘩所形成的語言混雜等異化策略。藉此本論文將分析,主角天原琴子如何迎向由於國籍、語言、血統所引起的動態的「包容和排除」。過程中她自覺到和集團的認同能有不同詮釋,即使搖擺於同化志向與異化志向之間,也致力於解構本質主義性認同的心路歷程。作為一個與時代脈動呼應的作家,溫又柔作品透過探索與他者相對的自立性,提示了現代多文化共生中的問題及對策。|We may see phenomenon of mixture of languages and cultures as a result of exposure of multi-culture in Taiwanese literature in prewar periods. Also, Many Taiwanese authors can create Japanese arts are born during the post-War due to globalism and the result of people‟s dispersion all over the world. In order to discuss the essence of the literature as well as the expressions beyond language and context, we need to understand the new part of Taiwanese literature. In this essay, we take these factors and social background into account and make "Children in the center" written by Wen.It was nominated in final of Akutagawa award as the subject of research. We will use the method of interpretation and identity and refer to Wen's "Taiwanese born raised in Japanese" and demystify Wen's dialectic in creation, expression in self-translation and strategy in dissimilation which is the mixture of multi-languages called HETEROGLOSSIA. The protagonist, Kotoko Amahara, goes against social inclusion and exclusion due to nationality, language, and ancestry. She realized how she is able to classify herself by theory, "ego identity and group identity". Through her struggle between assimilation of intention and dissimilation of intention, she analyzed the essence of identity in the change in protagonist's feeling and deconstructs her identity. The author, Wen, lives with the time offers problems and solutions through comparative independence.


