  • 期刊


Constructing Outage Maintenance Scheduling Systems for Power Quality Enhancement


臺灣電力公司為維持穩定的電力供應,必須針對所屬電力設備進行定期檢查維修。在每日停電申請案件中,臺電停電審修人員必須判斷停電案件的重要性,依照重要性做為處理先後順序的依據,再根據每件停審案件所需處理的時間進行工作排程。然而,如何決定每項停電需求的重要性是電力調度重要的議題,本研究經訪談臺電審修人員與專家學者後,依據供電處現場維修人員、調度處審修人員與專家學者的意見,提出停電審修案件相關屬性,經由訪談結果設計出臺電停電審修層級分析圖,再利用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, FAHP),得出影響停電審修評估項目之權重值,建立停電審修案件之排序模式。停電案件重要性確定後,電力調度人員經討論決議出每項停電需求操作時間,建立停電時程資料庫,排程系統根據停電案件重要性與所需操作時間排出調度人員每天的工作排程,現場維修人員也依據工作排程提前進行前置作業,使整體停電操作更有效率,本研究的結果發展精確的分析系統介面,做為臺電相關個案研究之計畫性審修作業排程的決策參考依據。


To ensure stable power supply, Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) performs regular safety checks and maintenance work on its power facilities. With the outage requests received and accepted every day, Taipower's outage management personnel have to first prioritize the outage plans based on the nature and magnitude of the problems, and then schedule the work in accordance with the duration of the outage proposed. However, how to determine the urgency of each outage request has been a thorny issue in power management. After consulting Taipower's outage management personnel as well as specialists in related fields, this study proposes a list of properties concerned with outage requests, creates a hierarchy diagram of all outage decision-making personnel involved, calculates the weighted value of items in outage impact evaluation via Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, FAHP, and eventually establishes a priority model of outage requests. Upon completing significance assessment, power managers confer to determine the operation time that each outage needs, set up an outage schedule database, and coordinate the implementation schedule based on the significance and duration of requests. Meanwhile, once the schedule is set up, on-site maintenance staff can proceed with preparation ahead of time to enhance the efficiency of the outage operation. This research successfully develops a high-precision analysis system interface, one that could serve as an invaluable resource for the decision-making process in Taipower's outage scheduling, as well as in other similar operations planning projects.
