  • 期刊


Explore the exercise and hypoxic environment on appetite and related hormone regulation


運動與低氧環境已被發現會改變人體食慾及食慾調節賀爾蒙,進而對身體組成改變產生影響。本文旨在探討急性運動/低氧暴露、短期低氧暴露、運動訓練/低氧運動訓練對人體食慾及相關調節賀爾蒙之影響。經文獻回顧後,本文歸納出以下結論:一、急性運動(有氧或阻力運動,運動強度為60%最大攝氧量或75%最大反覆以上,運動時間為30~60分鐘)後雖能降低食慾和促食慾激素(醯化-飢餓素, acylated ghrelin)濃度及提高抑食慾激素(胜肽YY, peptide YY)濃度,但此反應快速且短暫,且也不致影響整日的總能量攝取;二、運動訓練產生減重減脂的效果似乎與提高胜肽YY的濃度及改變食慾調控系統的敏感度有關;三、急性低氧暴露(低氧濃度:12.4~12.7%或海拔高度:3554~4559公尺;暴露時間為7~24小時)導致短時間食慾下降的原因似乎與促食慾激素(血液總飢餓素與醯化-飢餓素)的降低及抑食慾激素(瘦素, leptin)的提升有關;四、短期高地低氧暴露(海拔高度:2650~5050公尺;暴露時間為7~12天)對血液瘦素濃度的增加較為明顯,但對其他相關調節賀爾蒙的影響較不一致;五、低氧運動訓練明顯改善身體組成與代謝指標,但此改善原因似乎與食慾調節賀爾蒙濃度改變無明顯關聯。


Exercise and hypoxic environments have been found to alter the human appetite and appetite-regulated hormones, which in turn affect the changes in body composition. This article aims to explore the effects of acute exercise/hypoxic exposure, short-term hypoxic exposure, exercise training/hypoxic exercise training on human appetite, and related regulatory hormones. After reviewing the literature, this article summarizes the following conclusions: 1. Acute exercise (aerobic or resistance exercise, intensity: 60% VO_2max or 75% repetition maximal, duration: 30-60 minutes) reduces the appetite and acylated ghrelin concentration and increase the anorexigenic hormone (peptide YY) concentration, but this response is fast and short, and not affect the all-day total energy intake; 2. Exercise training generates bodyweight reduction and fat loss is appeared to associate with increasing the concentration of peptide YY and altering the sensitivity of the appetite control system. 3. Acute hypoxic exposure (FIO_2: 12.4-12.7%, altitude: 3554-4559 meters, duration: 7-24 hours) leads to short-term appetite decrease seems to be related to the reduction in levels of total ghrelin and acylated ghrelin and increase in leptin concentration. 4. Short-term altitude environment (altitude: 2650-5050 meters, duration: 7-12 days) or hypoxic exposure significantly elevate the blood leptin concentration, but generate inconsistent responses on other related regulatory hormones; 5. Hypoxic exercise training significantly improves the body composition and metabolic parameters, but this improvement is not related to changes in appetite-regulated hormones.


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