  • 期刊


A Challenge for Home-Based Hospice Care: Good Death at Home




安寧 居家 在宅善終


Taiwan is expected to become a "super-aged" nation in 2065. Modern medical advancements, while extending the average human lifespan, has led to higher incidence of patient suffering and greater medical expenses due to chronic disease and terminal illnesses. As the concept and services of hospice and palliative care have become increasingly accepted by the public, the issue of final care for a good death has become a priority concern for both patients and their families. Experiencing a good death at home is a common last wish for terminal patients. However, guidelines for good death at home are still unavailable in Taiwan. The promotion of this concept thus remains a challenge with many limitations. This article aims to explore: (1) the importance of hospice care; (2) the selection of a proper location for good death; (3) the requirements for nursing education in the care of dying patients; and (4) the challenges and strategies of a good death at home, including "the family dimension-connections with the family members" and "the education dimension-promotion of home-based dying in nursing education". The goal is to help terminal patients experience a good death at home, to assist family members embrace the good death of their loved ones, and, eventually, to facilitate peaceful and successful home-based dying for both the patient and their family members.


hospice at home good death at home


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