  • 期刊


The Relationship between Auditory Hallucinations and Suicide Ideation in Chronic Schizophrenia Patients


背景:近年來自殺率逐漸增加,而自殺的人中有很高的比率患有精神疾病。目的:探討慢性精神分裂症病患的幻聽對自殺意念的影響。方法:採橫斷性研究設計,以立意取樣於北部四所醫療院所治療的精神分裂症患者共171位,研究工具除基本資料外,尚有兩份自陳量表,包含江、楊(2009)發展之短版幻聽評估量表,以及Beck、Steer和Ranieri(1988)自殺意念量表。結果:在171個個案中,有46.2%的精神分裂症個案有自殺意念。幻聽評估量表中的「幻聽信念」、「情緒行為」與「自殺意念總分」呈顯著正相關。此結果顯示個案的幻聽越嚴重,自殺意念越強;多元邏輯斯迴歸結果顯示年齡(OR = 0.942, p = .003)、女性(OR = 2.504, p = .011)、幻聽信念(OR = 1.219, p = .007)為自殺意念的重要預測因子。結論/實務應用:此結果將有助於護理人員了解協助有幻聽干擾的個案對幻聽有正確的信念將可降低病人有自殺的意念。


精神分裂症 幻聽 自殺意念


Background: The suicide rate in Taiwan has increased gradually in recent years. A high percentage of people who commit suicide suffer from mental diseases. Purpose: This study explores the influence of auditory hallucination symptoms on suicide ideation in chronic schizophrenia patients. Methods: We employed a cross‐sectional design with purposive sampling to recruit a total of 171 schizophrenia patients from four hospitals in northern Taiwan. In addition to a demographic datasheet, research instruments included two self‐report questionnaires, namely the short‐form Auditory Hallucination Assessment Scale (AHAS) developed by Chiang & Yang (2009) and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS). Results: A total of 79 (46.2%) participants reported having suicide ideation. The beliefs and emotional‐behavior subscales of the AHAS correlated positively with total suicide ideation score. Results revealed a positive correlation between auditory hallucination severity and strength of suicide ideation. Multiple logistic regression showed age (odds ratio = 0.942, p = .003), being female (odds ratio = 2.504, p = .011), and the AHAS beliefs subscale (odds ratio = 1.219, p = .007) to be significant predictors of suicide ideation. Conclusion / Implications for Practice: Study results may help medical professionals better understand auditory hallucinations, facilitate appropriate patient awareness education regarding this type of hallucination, and effectively decrease patient suicide risk.


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