  • 期刊


The Effect of Spatial Metaphor-Based Virtual Reality on Learning Performance and Subjective Preference for Older and Young Adults


隨著電腦科技發達,可呈現三度空間視覺環境的虛擬實境儼然已成為數位學習主流媒體。高齡認知文獻指出,伴隨老化的認知功能退化中,尤以空間認知最為顯著,因此虛擬實境亦是輔助銀髮族終身學習相當有潛能的學習媒體。本研究旨在探討當高齡者學習具空間隱喻本質的知識時,虛擬實境的空間呈現與知識的空間隱喻是否有相容效果進而可降低學習認知負荷?節省的心智資源是否可轉嫁給學習與記憶?轉嫁過程是否為自發性或另需提示機制?本研究採2×3二因子分割型實驗,其中年齡為一準受試間因子(quasi between-subject factor),包括高齡與年輕兩處理水準;學習媒體則為一受試內因子(within-subject factor),分別有網頁圖文(控制組)、純虛擬實境、虛擬實境含提示機制等三個處理水準。本實驗招募高齡與年輕各十五名受試者接受具空間隱喻之人體消化系統知識自主訓練(self-paced training)與後測,並以調整學習施測時間後之答題正確率衡鑑其學習績效,同時也接受十題 以1(最不滿意)~10(最滿意)等距尺規之衡鑑使用經驗偏好度之問卷。學習績效結果顯示年齡與學習媒 體主效果均顯著,但無交互作用。高齡受試者之學習績效與高齡文獻相符,顯著不及年輕受試者;學習媒體效應以虛擬實境外加提示機制與網頁圖文並駕齊驅,單純虛擬實境則敬陪末座。這顯示虛擬3D空間視覺介面似乎無法自動轉嫁空間隱喻之心智資源給學習與記憶,必須額外提示經適當設計之概念性知識。關於使用經驗,年齡與學習媒體間有顯著交互作用。高齡受試者對三種學習媒體無顯著偏好差異,但年輕受試者高度偏好兩種虛擬實境媒體,且均遠優於網頁圖文。值得注意的是對年輕受試者言,雖然純虛擬實境相對網頁圖文有較高偏好,但學習績效卻恰好相反,因此當吾人設計學習媒體時,宜審視實證績效,而非單憑主觀偏好。


With the ability to present 3D environments, virtual reality(VR) has become a mainstream media in digital learning. This could be particularly beneficial for the older adult as cognitive aging has shown that spatial cognition has been one of the most declined age-related mental ability. The present study thus aims to investigate whether the mental resource for processing spatial information can be saved when the older adult learns knowledge embedded with spatial metaphor by using VR. Can this saved spatial cognition transfer to assist memory required for learning? Would this transfer be an autonomous process or need properly designed cues? Fifteen older subjects aged over sixty-five and fifteen graduate students were recruited in an experiment where age and learning media were manipulated as independent variables. Age was a quasi between-subject factor with two treatment groups (elderly vs. younger as control), and learning media was defined as a within-subject factor with three types of system, namely, web-like display, pure VR and VR-plus-cues. Learning performance and user experience were evaluated. The former was evaluated by memorization accuracy adjusted by exposure time, and the latter by a questionnaire on a 1(least favor) ~ 10(most favor) interval rating scale. The result of adjusted memorization accuracy indicated the main effects of age and interface were both significant but without a significant interaction. The older subject was significantly disadvantaged with respect to the memorization performance regardless of the type of learning media tested. The VR-plus-cues display and web-like display equaled with each other in learning performance, but both were superior to the pure VR counterpart. It appears that the compatibility between the 3D spatial environment presented in VR and spatial metaphor embedded in the knowledge learned does not necessarily transfer to the mental resources needed to learn the knowledge unless cues are provided. With respect to user experience, the interaction between age and interface was significantly. Further examination showed that while the older subject did not prefer any specific type of learning interface, the young subject favored the two VR-based systems significantly higher than the web-like display counterpart. The implications of these results for the design of digital learning systems accommodating age differences were discussed in details.
