



A 42-year-old man has been bothered with episodic flushing and burning sensation on both ears since young. The symptoms were always severer in the left ear than in the right one. The symptomatic duration was 4-5 hours, and the frequency was 2-3 times per week. There was not any headache, hearing block, tinnitus, vertigo, paresthesia, ataxia or other neurologic focal sign. He was treated conservatively currently. Red ear syndrome was a rare disease. The symptoms always occurred in daytime in the majority. The majority had attacks lasting 0.5 to 1 hour. The symptomatic area is most pronounced over the earlobe. The majority had strictly unilateral attacks, and the minority has bilateral attacks. Although this is a benign disease and the pathophysiological mechanism is currently unclear, an auricular inflammatory disease should be excluded before red ear syndrome is confirmed.

