  • 期刊

醫科學生預防醫學教育的新嘗試-SHE Project之介紹及評估

An Inovation in Teaching Preventive Medicine for Medical Students-Introduction and Evaluation of the She Project


目前國內醫學系的合共衛生教學,仍未臻理想。本研究的目的在誘導醫學生向其親友進行衛生教育,除可向其中獲得經驗,以彌補課堂之不足外,更希望能確實地落實預防醫學教育。由於子宮頸癌是台灣地區最常見的婦女癌症,故本研究利用陽明醫學院醫、牙三年級學生修習「公共衛生學導論」的時候,規定同學須鼓吹其最親近的女性親友接受子宮頸抹片檢查,並於學期末繳交這份檢驗結果及心得報告,佔成績的10%。我們將此計畫命名為SHE Project(Student-initiated Health Education project)。總共有159位學生修課,學期末共繳回88份抹片檢查結果、158份心得報告和129份不記名問卷。估計學生的計畫執行率達87.4%,成功率達63.3%,學生對此計畫的滿意度亦在85%以上。綜合以上的結果,我們覺得SHE Project是有必要的、可行的、有效的,而且應該繼續推廣下去。


The public health education programs for medical students in Taiwan is far from desirable. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate an inovative education program which requires medical student to persuade their female relatives at risk to have Pap smear tests. We expect that not only will the students benefit from this experience which cannot be taught in the classroom, but the goal of preventive medicine will be surely achieved as well. The study used the data collected from the third-grade medical and dental students who took the course of Introduction of Public Health. All students in the class were asked to persuade their close female relatives to have Pap smear test and deliver the examination report and the written report in the final session. The reports will count 10% of the total score. The whole project was named SHE Project (Student-initiated Health Education Project). There was 159 students in the class and 88 examination reports, 158 written reports and 129 anonymous questionnaires from students were received in the final session. The rate of execution for the project among students was 87.4%, the rate of success for the students to persuade was 63.3%, and the rate of satisfaction of the students to the project was above 85%. As the result, we suggest that the SHE Project is a necessary, feasible, effective and worth promoting program in teaching preventive medicine.
