  • 期刊


The Urinary Hippuric Acid of Workers Exposed to the Low Level and Multiple Organic Solvents


尿中馬尿酸是工人暴露於甲苯時最常用的生物指標,不過它被建議甲苯之空氣中濃度必須超過50ppm,並且需以集體人員來觀察才較有意義。本研究對某造漆廠員工受利人數96人,暴露組41人、非暴露組55人,觀察在某些有機溶劑在在下,較低暴露量(50ppm以下)之情況下,尿中馬尿酸是否仍有效的加以偵測並當作生物指標;結果顯示,在多種有機溶劑暴露之作業環境下,若甲苯濃度超過1ppm時,尿中馬尿酸即可在暴露組與非暴露組問呈現統計上有意義的差異,建議在此情況下,以下班前尿中馬尿酸之濃度作為暴露甲苯之生物指標時,應以團體為塞礎加以觀察與解譯。同時,當甲苯濃度為10ppm時,美國NIOSH建議的馬尿酸濃度標準為2.5g/g Cr.應同樣適用於國人。


Urinary hippuric acid is a widely used BEI (Biological Exposure Index) for workers exposed to toluene, and it is recommended to use the marker based on population who expose to toluene concentration over 50ppm. To evaluate the reliability of hippuric acid as a bioindicator for toluene concentration in workplace below 50ppm accompanied with other solvents exposure, 96 subjects, including 41 subjects in exposure group and 55 subjects in non-exposure group, were examined. Results indicate that urinary hippuric acid is significantly different between exposure group and non-exposure group. Under this condition, we recommend that using hippuric acid as a bioindicator for toluene exposure should base on group observation and elucidation. It shows that the U.S. NISOH recommended BET value (2.5g/g Cr.) of hippuric acid for toluene exposure worker also meets the requirement of workers, who expose to 100ppm of toluene, of the Republic of China.
