  • 期刊


Infant Formula Promotion and How Mothers Choose Infnt Formulae


眾多的研究報告指出,奶粉廠商的促銷活動是造成母乳哺餵低落的主要原因之一,於是世界衛生組織為了約束有關嬰兒奶粉的促銷活動,而制定了「國際母乳代用品規章」。我國不屬於世界衛生組織,嬰兒奶粉的促銷活動也較活躍,但對於促銷活動的事實狀況及其影響性,均尚未有可資參考的文獻報告。 因此本研究訪問了國內現有的奶粉廠商、台北市擁有婦產科之醫院診所、及超級市場與平價商店,希望了解促銷活動之現況。並以自擬結構式問卷,訪問台北市木柵區於76年6、7、8三個月出生之未滿六個月正常嬰兒的母親,及75年底至76年12月以前結婚之新婚夫婦中第一胎懷孕的母親、以便了解母親如何選擇嬰兒奶粉。 訪問結果顯示,奶粉廠商使用的促銷方法可歸類為六大項:(1)免費供應醫療院所奶粉樣本;(2)發送(陳列)宣傳刊物;(3)大眾媒體的宣傳;(4)減價優待;(5)附送贈品;(6)直接與母親接觸。中、日廠商的促銷方法較歐美廠商具多樣性,且頻繁度較高,而歐美品牌的價格較中、日高。問卷調查結果發現,母親傾向於購買來自歐美、高價位、中促銷的嬰兒奶粉。顯然促銷活動對母親選擇嬰兒奶粉具有部份影響力,但高促銷並不一定造成高銷售量,這由母親對各促銷方法的相信程度及購買意願之情形亦可窺之。




Many studies indicate that the commerical promotion of infant formula is one of the factors causing the decline in breast-feeding. In order to limit these promotional activities, the World Health Organization established the ”International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes” in 1981. Since the Republic of China is not a member of the World Health Organization, the promotion of infant formula is quite active in this country. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion on mothers' choices in infant formula. We visited formula companies, obstetric and gynecologic clinics, supermarkets and other stores in Taipei to investigate promotion activities. In addition we interviewed 81 first-time-pregnant women and 200 mothers of bottle-feeding infants who were under six months of age to understand betters their decirions to choice infant formula. It was found that infant formula promotion activities include providing formula samples to clinics, supplying pamphlets and posters, advertising by mass media, selling products at discounted prices, distributing gifts to buyers, and contacting mothers by marketing personne. Companies from the Republic of China and Japan were included in more extensive promotional activities than those from the U.S. and European countries. However, the prices of formulas made in American and European countries were among the highest. Mothers tended to buy formulas made in Western countries, and of higher prices, and medium promotion. Obviously promotion can partially affect mothers' choices; haweves, strang promotion does not necessarily induce strong demand for the product.


