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Association of Employees' Types of Employment and Their Burnout Status in the Public and Private Sectors in Taiwan




Objectives: This study was designed to investigate differences in social distribution and job characteristics between non-permanent and permanent workers and the association of type of employment and burnout in the public and private sectors in Taiwan. Methods: A national survey of 17016 employees was conducted by the Council of Labor Affairs in 2007. The status of personal burnout and work-related burnout was measured by an occupational burnout inventory. Also assessed were demographic backgrounds, job characteristics and family care workloads. Results: In 2007 Taiwan, 23.6% of employees were in non-permanent employment such as contract-based, outsourced or agency workers. In the private sector, non-permanent employees were found to be older, less educated and in lower employment grades than permanent employees. Compared with permanent workers, higher personal and work burnout scores were also found among non-permanent employees in the private sector. In the public sector, the distributions of ages and employment grades of permanent and non-permanent workers were different, but there was no significant difference in burnout scores between them. Our results remained the same in multivariate regression models even after adjusting for demographics, family, and work-related variables. Conclusions: Our results showed that non-permanent employees in the private sector had worse work conditions and faced greater psychosocial stress and risks for burnout. The use of flexible labor resources might be different between the public and private sectors, so that the association between type of employment and burnout in the public sector was not as significant as it was in private sector enterprises.


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