  • 期刊

Activism and the Unity of Heaven and Human: Insights from the Mèngzĭ





孟子 行入 天人合一 天人之分


In many religious traditions, there is a tension between activism and unity with the divine. By activism, I mean the attempt to actively strive to make the world a better place. That requires in some sense rejecting the world as it is, hoping instead for a better world. If the world is a product of divine forces, though, then unity with the divine often leads toward quietism, the tendency to peacefully accept the world as it is. In a Chinese context, we can approach this problem through the tension between two important mottoes: tiānrén héyī 天人合一, the unity of heaven and human, and, tiānrén zhīfēn 天人之分, the division between heaven and human. While different religious traditions and philosophies have proposed a variety ways for addressing this tension, in this paper I will examine the approach taken by Mèngzĭ. One level, Mèngzĭ sets up a distinction between heaven (tiān) as the patterns of the world itself and human nature, xìng, which drives us to resist the way the world is and make it better. I base this analysis on the famous story that describes Mèngzĭ's feelings upon leaving the state of Qí in failure, when he claims that "heaven does not now want peace and order in the world" (2B13). Ultimately, Mèngzĭ's activism is grounded in this conception of natural human tendencies and desires, and it forms a kind of Confucian practice, a spiritual practice even. At the same time, Mèngzĭ still attempts to link xìng to tiān, thus providing a distinctive version of unity with heaven. This paper concludes by examining the connection between human beings and heaven, arguing that it is based not on a concern for heaven's will or intention but rather with harnessing the generative forces of nature. This connection is what allows Mèngzĭ's activism to be a religious or spiritual practice.


Mengzi activism tianren heyi tianren zhifen xing.


