  • 期刊


Gender Human Rights and Medical Intervention in Children with Intersex




This paper would like to talk about the issues of gender assignment and genital surgery of intersex infants from the Malta's newly-passed gender human rights law "Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act", to state the relationships between gender human rights and intersex management protocol, briefly depict the historical context of intersex management protocol and intersex human rights movement, expect to help communicate these with medical profession here in Taiwan to understand: why on earth and what life experiences made intersex people want to come out from being protected and covered by doctors and to be visible and speak? What's the relationship of intersex management protocol and gender human rights movement? What medical help violates what intersex human rights? What's wrong with intersexed sex and gender? What do they want to express? Maybe it's time to listen and involve the voices of contemporary intersex human rights movement to adjust the modern medical treatment and perspective toward intersex infants.


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