  • 期刊


Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Metrics with Exposures to Ambient Particles




Ambient air pollution (AAP) has become an important public health issue in Taiwan following the rapid industrialization, motorization, and urbanization in the past decades. An increasing body of evidence suggest the harmful effects of AAP, especially particulate matter (PM) on human health, among which the impacts of PM on cardiovascular health were most documented. Blood pressure (BP) change cardiovascular dysfunction have been proposed as important biomechanisms linking PM and cardiovascular disease. In Taiwan, several experimental and epidemiological studies observed BP fluctuations were associated with short-term PM exposures to PM, but the results were inconsistent. However, short-term exposures to PM were observed to associate with pulse pressure narrowing, decreases in cardiac contractility and vascular compliance, or increase in vascular resistance both in panel and experimental studies. Using land use regression model, a new-developed technique to estimate individual’s long-term PM exposures, two studies further demonstrated that long-term exposures to PM are associate with increases in diastolic BP and carotid intima media thickness. Also, the cardiovascular metrics in response to PM may differ by individual characters, emission sources, or chemical components. In summary, the impact of short-term exposures to PM on cardiovascular system may be primarily through cardiac and vasomotor dysfunction rather than BP fluctuation; while long-term exposures to PM are associated with elevated BP and atherosclerosis.


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