  • 學位論文


Biogas Production from Activated Sludge Using Anaerobic Digestion

指導教授 : 李篤中


中文摘要 本論文討論前處理及加入不同微生物群對污泥厭氧消化程序之影響。前處理包含增溫、凍融及調整酸鹼值等;加入微生物菌群則包含梭狀芽孢桿菌群(Clostridium)及自基隆河底泥採集之甲烷生成優勢菌種(K8)。由代謝物分析結果可了解厭氧消化的代謝現象,而分子生物技術(PCR & DGGE)則用來追蹤消化過程中菌群之變化。 研究結果發現,經過前處理後污泥的確有加快代謝的效果。樣品在厭氧消化初期進行水解和酸化時會累積少陴B氣(0.6 g H2/kg Dry Solid),但稍後即快速消失。待累積一段時間的揮發酸後,甲烷化才會開始進行,且都以代謝乙酸開始,接著再進行丙酸或丁酸代謝,代謝發生同時都可以發現甲烷累積量明顯的增加。 原始污泥加入clostridium培養液後,即可加速污泥厭氧消化,其產氫和甲烷化速度與鹼化後污泥差不多,此兩種樣品在168小時後就會快速的累積甲烷。而凍融後污泥則在約240小時時才會開始累積甲烷,前處理加速代謝的效果在加入梭狀芽孢桿菌培養液的樣品中並不明顯。 但前處理對加入K8後知污泥則有顯著的效果。因為前處理幫助水解,使污泥甲烷化速度加快,而污泥(加K8)又比原始污泥厭氧代謝速度快,證明前處理及加入厭氧菌群都可以加速甲烷化。 微生物菌群分析發現,厭氧消化初期污泥內以消化水解產物生成酸類之微生物菌群為主,如:Clostridium sp.、Lactobacillus sp.等。


甲烷 厭氧 污泥


Abstract This thesis discusses the influence of pretreatment and microbial inoculums on sludge. The pretreatments include sterilization, frozen/thawed, acidification, and alkalization. The microbial inoculums include clostridium and K8 inoculums. Based on the HPLC results we analyzed, the digestion pathway of pathway and biotechnology experiments (PCR&DGGE) assisted to show the microbial society change. The results show that the pretreated sludge increases digestion rate. The sample accumulates hydrogen initially, but was consumed fast. The volatile acid accumulates for a period of time, then the acetic acid was consumed ollowed by propionic acid. The methane was also produced at the same time. The original sludge, which was added clostridium inoculums, increases anaerobic digestion rate. The rate is almost the same with the alkalized sludge, and both of the samples accumulates methane faster after 168 hours of digestion. The frozen/thawed sludge accumulates methane after 240 hrs. Therefore the avail is not very clear by pretreatment in this case. The avail is very clear when added the K8 into the sludge. The pretreatments help hydrolysis, and the sludge added K8 produces methane faster than the original sludge. This result proves that the pretreatments and sludge added K8 can make the anaerobic digest faster. The DGGE results show that the pretreatment will influence the growth of bacteria. In the hydrolysis pretreatments (sterilization, alkalization), the bacterium grew very well; and the destructive pretreatments (like acidification, sterilization) kills the bacterium. When the initial sludge digestion, the bacteria are mainly acidgenic bacterium, like clostridium sp., and lactobacillus sp.


methane PCR sludge DGGE anaerobic


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