  • 學位論文


Ideological Ambivalences in Edward III

指導教授 : 奇邁可


這篇論文探討《愛德華三世》一劇中詭異的意識型態與當代政治、宗教、經濟的關係。我論證本劇中所觀察到的詭異意識足可映射出當代政治、宗教、經濟各方勢力的衝突與融合。 第一章中,藉由對男性角色關係的切入,我將衝突放置在當代對王權、政府組織、與後宗教改革各教派的理論脈絡下,耙梳出隱藏的父權世界。 面對男性對歷史的全面塑型,女性角色在第二章中被形容成詭異現象的孕育者。在主流歷史的男鐘裡敲出畸異女聲。 第三章中我將政治、宗教衝突放置在經濟語彙裡,連結起莎翁舞台與伊麗沙白女王晚期的商業社會。


In this thesis, I investigate ideological ambivalences in the context of contemporary political, religious, and economical theories, contending that ideological ambivalences mirror out the confrontation and opposition of political, religious, and economical movements of late Elizabethan England. In the first chapter, I aim to position ideological ambivalences among male relationship through the help of contemporary theories of kingship, allegiance, and biblical appropriation, charting out the hidden patriarchal background in post-Reformation England. In my second chapter, I explore the ambivalences of female roles in history, suggesting that female characters intervene in the patriarchal history and generate a voice of their own. In my third chapter, I situate my previous reading of politics and religions in economical phrases, bridging up the literary world of Shakespearean stage with a period that bears witness to the transition of late Elizabethan world from a lineage society into a civil nation.


ideology Ambivalence Edward III


Fulghum, Walter B. Jr. A Dictionary of Biblical Allusions in English Literature. New York: Holt, 1965.
Aristotle. Politics. Trans. H. Rackham. Mass.: Harvard UP, 1932.
Axton, Marie. The Queen’s Two Bodies. London: Royal Historical Society, 1977.
Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare’s “History”: Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy. London: Methuen, 1964.
Champion, Larry S. “‘Answere to this Perillous Time’: Ideological Ambivalence in The Raigne of King Edward III and the English Chronicle Plays.” English Studies 2 (1988): 117-29.
