  • 學位論文


The high energy limit of scattering amplitudes in string theory

指導教授 : 賀培銘


本文將討論弦論散射振幅在高能量時的行為。精確地說,將討論開弦的玻色弦論。所有的結果都可以直接套用至玻色閉弦,延伸至超弦理論應該也是可行的。本文中將使用α’=1/2的單位 首先本文將討論如何計算散射振幅並且給出一些範例,接著將這些散射振幅取高能量極限,我們將發現這些原本互相獨立的散射振幅在高能量的時候彼此間有個非常簡單的關係。 再下一個章節中,我們將討論這些簡單關係的物理意義,並且給出一些其他的觀點來解釋這些簡單關係。所有的證據支持我們原本的假設:在弦論的背後有個非常大的對稱性,有個如同等效原理之於廣義相對論一般的基本原理在支配弦理論。




In this thesis we disscuss the high energy limit of scattering amplitudes in string theory. To be specific, we focus on the bosonic open string theory. Our result can be immediately applied to bosonic closed strings, whose amplitudes factorize into open string amplitudes. It should also be possible to extend our results to superstrings. We will use the convention that 0 = 1/2. First we discuss how to calculate scattering amplitudes, and give some examples. Then we take high energy limit of those amplitudes, we found that there are very simple relations between independent amplitudes. In the last chapter, we discuss physical meaning of the relations mentioned above, and give a comment of another explaination of the simple relation. All of the results support our hypothesis, that there is a big symmetry hidden in string theory.


string theory high energy limit


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