  • 學位論文


Studies on the Physicochemical Changes of Monascus Egg product

指導教授 : 蘇和平


利用紅麴菌發酵所產生的酵素、香味物質等,除可使產品具有特殊的風味及顏色,還含有monacolin K、monascidin和其他尚未證實的生物活性物質。本研究擬探討三種不同配方製做之紅糟(Monascus chiu-niang)對於紅麴蛋製造過程中理化學變化的影響,進而評估紅麴蛋的最佳製作方法,以開發一為台灣民眾所接受之紅麴醃漬蛋產品。 紅糟之可滴定酸度,在60天之醃漬期中會隨著天數的增加而有上升的情形;三種紅糟其pH值在紅麴蛋醃漬期間維持在4.58~5.81之間,且配方I.之pH值均低於其他配方(p<0.05),60天後pH值均有上升之情形。配方I.在第0天時酒精含量達8.35%,為三種配方中酒精含量最高者,隨著時間的增加,配方I.之酒精含量於第15天時下降至7.43%,之後維持在7.43~7.61之間。而配方III.與配方I.在醃漬期間其酒精含量亦有逐漸下降之趨勢。 至於紅麴蛋醃漬期間蛋殼有逐漸變薄及變軟之情形,且蛋殼裂紋會逐漸變大。本試驗中,醃漬60天後,以配方II之蛋白熟成率最高(67.07%),蛋黃部份則以配方III.有較高之熟成率(26.47%)。各配方蛋白的熟成率均較蛋黃為高。醃漬第60天,各配方紅麴蛋之蛋白熟成率均高於60%。蛋黃及蛋白於醃漬期中,pH值間並無顯著差異(p<0.05)。隨著醃漬時間的增加,蛋黃之食鹽含量有繼續增加的情形,配方III.之蛋黃及蛋白的食鹽含量均高於其他兩者,與紅麴酒釀中食鹽含量較高有關。蛋黃之酒精含量隨著時間而逐漸增加,至第60天時,各配方蛋黃之酒精含量為1.18~1.87%,均較蛋白含量低,各配方之間亦無顯著差異(p<0.05)。三種配方製作之紅麴蛋,其蛋白和蛋黃之桔黴素的含量,均有隨著醃漬天數增加而升高的趨勢,但低於紅糟中之桔黴素含量,其含量均小於1 ppm。 針對醃漬60天後之紅麴蛋製進行嗜好性品評分析。在40位品評員9分制的試驗下。配方III之蛋白及蛋黃其整體總接受度均獲得較高的分數。


紅麴 紅糟 紅麴蛋


The purpose of this study was to use anka ( red Chinese rice; Monascus species) starter to prepare 3 formulas of chiu-niang (formula I, II and III)used in manufacturing flavored Monascus duck’s egg products(Monascus eggs). In addition to reveal the physicochemical changes in Monascus eggs during pickling period, the changes of components and enzymatic activity in Monascus chiu-niang was also explored, for the purpose to develop a new processing procedure of pickled duck’s egg product. The general compositions of Monascus chiu-niang after 5 or 10 fermentated days before manufacturing Monascus eggs were sweet taste. Moisture of formula I、II and III were 52.64, 54.49 and 42.59%, pH values were 4.58, 4.84 and 5.43, titratable acidity were 0.14, 0.25 and 0.14%, alcoholicity were 8.35, 7.17 and 4.49%, salinity were 10.84, 14.65 and 14.98%, acid protease activity were 8.26, 5.40 and 3.49 units/g and the citrinin contents were 482.42, 386.80 and 285.04 ppb respectively. To study the properties of chiu-niang, salt was added to simulate the pickled environment of Monascus eggs. During the pickling period of Monascus eggs, as the results showed, the moisture, pH values and acid protease activity increased within 15 days, and then was stable till 60 days. The alcoholicity and salinity decreased gradually during the ripening period. But citrinin and titratable acidity increased respectively. The citrinin concentrations of Monascus chiu-niang in formula I and II were more than 600 ppb and all Monascus chiu-niang were higer than Monascus eggs(234~524 ppb). The uncooked duck’s eggs with clean and cracked shell were preserved with 3 formulas of rpickled Monascus chiu-niang individually. After pickling at 30℃ for 60 days, the results showed the egg shells of duck in each formula coagulated by acids and alcohol. All the egg yolks were coagulated gradually and egg whites were hydrolyzed by acid and alcohol in each pickled Monascus chiu-niang formula. The results of analyzing the total nitrogen and soluble nitrogen contents showed that the maximum ripening ration of egg white and yolk were formula II and III, respectively. Comparison of sensory evaluation of cooked (100℃,10 min)Monascus eggs indicated that the egg white and yolk of formula III had the highest overall acceptability than other formula preserved products. However, whether yolk or white, the concentrations of citrinin were raised as pickling days increased.


Monascus Monascus chiu-niang Monascus egg


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