  • 學位論文


Incentives of land development in the case of Guangzhou City’s college town project

指導教授 : 王鴻楷




Since the economic reform and open-up in 1978, China’s central administration has transferred executive powers to lower levels of government, and the system of paid land use has been established. The local government thus became more powerful and more interested in urban land development. In the historical setting, the local government precipitates a "economic man" character to think deeply how to promote competitiveness of city, and how to manage and use limited land resources. The beginning of large-scale land use type of local government is the Economic development zone. The problem with the Economic development zone are that waste of arable land、inefficient of industrial area、make a illegal land expropriation. For these reasons the central government has started to govern and rectify the Economic development zone from 1992 to 2003 .Until 2003 the reorganize was effective, there were more than half of them were been canceled and indicated that the Economic development zone of China enter a normal stage. At the same time, because knowledge- economy age and wanted to encourage country by technology and the education , another large-scale land use type tower to second and third industrial appeared in China , it was called collage town. From 1996 to 2007 there are more than fifty collage city in China. Except to raise the enrolment ratio of collage student , it also can produce business market、real estate market and technological industrial market for local government .This paper tries to discuss the rent-gap seeking is the reason why the local government want to development land, and rent-gap seeking could be lead to rent seeking when the local government transform his role, and it also could be affect the policy decision of the local government , and max the interest of society . This paper takes Guangzhou City’s college town for example to explain how the local government wants to increase the land by setting up college town and confiscate land. And how the local government obtain state revenue by building、develop and working college town.


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