  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Product Attribute Presentation Approaches on Consumer Preference Assessment

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 任立中


近幾年隨著網路發展,資訊流通快速,消費者能夠以較低之成本搜尋、獲得決策相關資訊,因此環境能夠提供之資訊勢必影響消費者的選擇。本研究擬由資訊處理之觀點,利用聯合分析法進行問卷資料收集,探討屬性呈現方式對於消費者決策過程中偏好評估之影響。本研究有以下發現: 1. 屬性呈現方式由繁入簡會比由簡入繁得到較為顯著之偏好結構。   在探討模式預測偏好係數之顯著性方面,發現當呈現方式係為由繁入簡時,預測模式可藉此增進對受測者對各屬性偏好估計之能力。而在探討各模式預測受測者對整體產品組合之偏好時,亦發現一次提供所有考量屬性之資訊供受測者評估,可使消費者較能清楚評估自己的偏好做出決定,模式預測能力亦提升。 2. 越後面呈現之題目所收集到的資料,其所建構出之模式越能準確估計受測者偏好   觀察屬性呈現順序不同對受測者各偏好評估之影響,屬性個數較少之成對比較若是在較後面進行,由於消費者經歷之前的評估練習,對於偏好的掌握程度增加,更加容易反應偏好,因此顯著偏好係數個數也能夠增加;而屬性個數較多之比較則不受順序影響。在對於整體產品偏好之預測方面,同樣可以發現越晚呈現之題目收集到的資料,建構出之模式估計受測者偏好之能力愈準確。 3. 比較之屬性個數越多,模式預測之效度越高   以相同呈現順序但屬性呈現個數不同進行分析,於估計受測者對產品整體偏好時,再次顯示呈現之屬性個數的確會影響受測者偏好評估;當呈現屬性個數越多,模式之預測能力也較精確。然而在各屬性偏好之顯著性方面,則發現屬性個數較少時,受測者較能準確掌握對某屬性的偏好;隨著屬性個數增加,對受測者而言各屬性間之衝突也越大,也就越無法明確評估對各屬性之相對偏好程度。


As the development of Internet, information flows rapidly; consumers can search and obtain information at a lower cost for decision making. As a result, the information that consumers can get from the environment would have influence on consumers’ choices. The purpose of this study is to evidence the impact of product attribute presentation approaches on consumer preference assessment based on consumer information processing theory. In the study, field data are collected by using Adaptive Conjoint Analysis. Different prediction models are built. The significance of respondents’ part-worth values and the prediction abilities of these models are compared. The conclusions are as follows. 1. A more significant respondents’ preference structure will be obtained if more product attributes are displayed at the beginning. 2. The model predicts respondents’ preferences more correctly if it is built by using data which is collected from questions that are displayed later. 3. The model predicts respondents’ preferences more correctly if it is built by using data which is collected from questions that compare more attributes at the same time.


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