  • 學位論文


Power and cooperative behaviors in buyer-supplier relationship

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 蔣明晃


面對全球化的競爭,沒有任何一家廠商可以獨立於其他廠商生存,必須藉由與其他公司的合作鞏固自己的競爭優勢與降低從事不專精活動所需付出、衍生的各項成本,因此,如何與其供應商夥伴建立長久、合作的關係變得越來越重要。影響企業客戶與供應商夥伴合作關係的因素不少,然而,本研究針對廠商間的權力結構 (顧客對供應商的依賴程度/供應商對顧客的依賴程度、雙方的共同依賴程度/雙方彼此依賴程度的差異與權力的使用) 對供應商的合作意願、合作行為與顧客-供應商關係中合作程度進行探討。因此,本研究的研究目的有三: 1.分析顧客與供應商雙方總相互依賴程度與相互依賴差異程度對供應商行為的影響與合作行為對顧客滿意程度的影響 2.探究供應商使用不同權力對廠商間合作、信任之影響與合作程度、信任對顧客承諾之影響。 3.探討顧客選擇供應商策略、顧客依賴供應商之程度、供應商依賴顧客之程度、供應商合作意願與顧客-供應商整合間之關係。 每一個研究目的都透過一個子研究來進行,子研究中對各構念間之關係進行假設並提供學術推論與實務現象之觀察,接著採用部分最小平方 (partial least square)法進行假設的檢定。 研究結果顯示顧客對供應商的依賴程度/供應商對顧客的依賴程度、雙方的相互依賴程度與供應商權力的使用分別對供應商的合作意願、合作行為與顧客-供應商關係中合作程度有著顯著的影響,而合作意願、合作行為與合作程度亦會顯著影響信任、承諾等與關係氛圍有關之構念以及滿意度、顧客-供應商整合程度等與關係品質有關之構念。本文同時也提供管理推論,希冀藉本文之研究結果提供企業顧客與供應商建議,協助兩方達到更佳的合作關係。


With rapid changes in technology and globalization of markets, it has become very difficult for firms to “go it alone”. World-class companies, therefore, seek to enhance competitive performance not only by effectively linking them with the external operations of supply chain members. A critical element achieving supply chain effectiveness is establishing cooperative relationship between buyers and suppliers. Several factors influence inter-firm cooperation. This dissertation aims to investigate how inter-firm interdependence, one-way dependence and use of power influence cooperative attitude, cooperative behaviors, cooperation climate and some of atmosphere constructs in buyer-supplier relationships. Therefore, there is threefold objective in this dissertation: 1.To investigate the relationships between interdependence and supplier’s cooperative behaviors and their impacts on buyer’s satisfaction. 2.To investigate the relationships among exercised powers, cooperation climate, trust and buyer’s commitments. 3.To investigate the relationships among supplier’s dependence, buyer’s dependence, supplier assessment, supplier’s cooperative attitude and buyer-supplier integration. Each objective is deliberately examined in a study. Hypotheses are proposed and data collected from semiconductor industry is analyzed by employing Partial Least Square (PLS) method. It is found that one-way dependence, inter-firm dependence and use of power influence cooperative attitude, cooperative behaviors and cooperation climate respectively. Also, cooperative attitude, cooperative behaviors and cooperation climate significantly affect atmosphere constructs, such as trust and commitment, and quality of buyer-supplier relationships, such as satisfaction and buyer-supplier integration. Managerial implications are provided accordingly for buyers and suppliers to achieve better cooperative relationships in nowadays highly competitive environments.


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