  • 學位論文


The Study of the Effectiveness of Word-Of-Mouth (Buzz) Marketing - Take Dental Clinics with Implantation Practice

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥教授


消費者越來越重視「口碑(buzz)」,「口碑」在當前現代化的社會 環境中益佳方便傳播;我們知道好的「口碑」可以為公司企業帶來可 觀的業績和利潤,也因此不同產業的公司企業們漸漸視「口碑」行銷 為重要的行銷方法之一。 植牙醫療同時綜合了產品(植體)的銷售和服務(手術)的提供, 又屬高單價採購決策;對於又是昂貴的產品,又是不確定性的服務, 病患很需要依賴其所認識的人的「口碑」來做植牙診所的選擇參考, 目的就是為了降低其知覺風險和增強其選擇決策上的自信度。所以可 想而知,「口碑」傳播對完全沒有採用任何行銷手段之植牙牙醫診所 有多重要了。 既然「口碑」對植牙診所很重要,因此本研究是探討「口碑」行銷對植牙診所的效果和威力,以做為未來植牙診所經營和行銷的策略參考。 本研究以植牙牙醫診所為研究對象,使用其健保系統顧客資料和紙本病歷資料,做「口碑」行銷實際上的效果分析探討。本研究的方法是透過病患顧客有無植牙和有無介紹人的資料,一一串連模擬繪製出如Rosen(2000)的「口碑隱形網絡」(invisible network)。本研究以「口碑隱形網絡」做為「口碑」行銷效果研究的骨架;依據「口碑隱形網絡」,本研究採用幾個與「口碑」有關的討論要素,包括:有/無介紹人的顧客比例、「口碑隱形網絡」圖、「超級網絡中樞」和「顧客地域性」等,分析「口碑」行銷對植牙診所產生的效果;最後產生了本研究最後的結論:「口碑」行銷對植牙診所產生的效果非常宏大。因為,數據呈現了:61%高比例的植牙顧客來自於別的顧客的「口碑」介紹;本研究根據數據資料串連出多達111 個「口碑隱形網絡」,且其中有「網絡人口數」最高達到91 人;研究中也發現18 位「超級網絡中樞」所產生的巨大「口碑」效果,以及幾乎有一半比例的「口碑」介紹植牙顧客來自於外地。 研究流程最後則是對未來植牙牙醫診所經營者提出其它本研究的觀察及發現的建議,也對未來有興趣的研究者提出後續研究方向的參考意見。


Nowadays positive Word-Of-Mouth (buzz) could bring great sales volume and profit to the enterprises because consumers more and more value the Word-Of-Mouth comment on either a product or a service before they make a buying decision. And it also shows that Word-Of-Mouth comment is even easier to be spreaded in the present environment. Therefore, it is why enterprises pay much more attention to the Word-Of-Mouth marketing and use it as one of the ways to sell products and services effectively. The dental implant treatment includes both the selling of implant product and the performing of surgical operations, both of which are extremely costy. With concerns for a high cost surgery that does not always guarantee a positive result, patients find a need to rely on the Word-Of-Mouth comment among the people they know to make a right decision, in order to diminish the perceptual risk and reinforce the confidence of the buying decision. It is the reason why Word-Of-Mouth marketing is all the more important to the dental clinics with implantation practice since they never adopt any commercial marketing strategy. The phenomenon gives this thesis a reason to explore the Word-Of-Mouth marketing effect on dental implantation. With the help of the findings from the thesis, all the other dental clinics with implantation practices may make a better decision on their business and marketing strategy. This thesis focuses primarily on clinics with dental implantations. By using the clinic's patient/customer database and patient's anamnesis, we can analyze the effect and practicality of the Word-Of-Mouth marketing in dental clinics with implantation. The thesis starts from analyzing patients who had implant surgery and the linkage between the referrals and the introducers, if any, and then constructs the so-called Rosen's (2000) Word-Of-Mouth invisible networks. The Word-Of-Mouth invisible networks are used as the frames of the study, and by means of the frames this thesis analyzes the effectiveness of Word-Of-Mouth marketing on dental implantation from four essential factors which are:'the ratio of customers with introducer to ones without introducer','illustrations of the Word-Of-Mouth invisible network','the influence of mega network hubs on Word-Of-Mouth marketing', and'the proportion of local referral customers to the non-locals'. Then the conclusion from the analysis is that Word-Of-Mouth marketing has a great effect on dental clinics with implantation practice. The outcome shows that 61% of total customers are referral customers. A total of 111 Word-Of-Mouth invisible networks are found, with a high of 91 customers in a single invisible network. A great buzz effect is also generated from the 18 mega network hubs, and a 49% of referral customers are non-locals. Lastly the thesis gives some advises according to other findings from the analysis to the owners of the dental clinics with implantation practice, and also offers some feasible ideas to the people who have interest in the follw-up research in the future.


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