  • 學位論文


Research on the Environmental and Economic Benefits of the Spreading Organic Tea Plantation in Bei-Shih River

指導教授 : 游以德


本研究旨在瞭解北勢溪現行慣行茶園與有機茶園之生產成本結構差異性,並將環境效益納入考量,比較現行與推廣有機茶園之後的成本效益。本研究在生產成本效益分析之項目分為「推廣有機茶園所需新增成本項目」與「推廣有機茶園潛在效益項目」兩類,將主體細分為:茶農、政府、環境與社會三類加以評析。最後綜合資料彙整與研究結果,利用企業管理常用的SWOT矩陣分析方法提出北勢溪發展有機農業之可行方案與結論、建議。 因受限於研究者能力有限、文獻資料不足與數據取得困難,許多隱藏的成本與潛在效益無法完全將其具體貨幣化以納入本研究分析當中;同時本研究所探討的有機茶園是由宗教團體所經營,實屬特殊。致使本研究所提出之方案比較結果與實際現況有差異,為彌補此缺失,本研究盡可能說明其特殊情況與將無法具體貨幣化之隱藏外部成本與潛在效益做定性的描述。 由於有機茶園無法像林地般完全免除添加性污染,在確保水源區水質安全情況下,並維持當地民眾權益,短期內本研究建議茶農應避免使用農藥及過度施用肥料,以更接近有機栽培的方式耕作;就中長期而言,為保存當地環境生態多樣性與文化特色並促進地方經濟發展和提供優質的茶葉與食品安全,本研究建議茶農應將茶園逐漸轉型為有機茶園。政府方面,本研究建議統一有機茶葉驗證標章、建立CAS吉園圃安全茶葉認證標章,並輔助茶農進行認證。對於茶葉栽培時所排放的流體對水資源具威脅性的外加性污染則應另行規劃所謂的最佳管理策略。


This study aimed at understanding the current Bei-shih River practices of organic tea plantation and tea production cost structure differences, and environmental benefits into account, compare current with the promotion of organic tea plantation after the cost-effectiveness. In this study, a cost-benefit analysis in the production of the project is divided into "the promotion of organic tea plantation needed to add the cost of the project" and "to promote the potential benefits of organic tea plantation project" categories, will be the main sub-divided into: farmers, government, environmental and social assessment of the three types of them . Finally, a comprehensive collection of information and research findings, the use of commonly used business management methods SWOT matrix analysis Bei-shih River feasible the development of organic agriculture with the conclusions, recommendations. Limited to researchers because of limited capacity, lack of papers and data difficult to obtain, many hidden costs and potential benefits can not be specific to include monetary analysis in this study; At the same time, this study is to explore the organic tea plantation by the religious groups operation, it is really special. A result, the program proposed in this study the results of the comparison with the actual difference between the current situation, in order to make up for this deficiency, the study of its special situation as far as possible, and will not be able to hide the specific currency of the external costs and the potential benefits of doing qualitative description. Organic tea plantation as a result of forest land can not be as additive as a full discharge of pollution, to ensure that the water district in the case of water quality and safety and to maintain the rights and interests of the local population, this study suggests that short-term farmers should avoid excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers applied to organic cultivation closer to the way farming; on the medium and long term, in order to preserve the local environment and cultural characteristics of biological diversity and promote local economic development and the provision of quality tea and food safety, this study suggests that farmers should be gradually transformed into tea organic tea plantation. Government, this study proposed to unify the authentication of organic tea logo, the establishment of CAS Good Agricultural Practice Tea plantation Logo safety and to assist farmers to carry out certification. For the cultivation of tea when the fluid discharge of water resources in addition to a threat of pollution should be planning the so-called best management strategy.


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