  • 學位論文


Effect of Nitrogen and Shading Dosage on Phenolic Compounds in Guava Leaves

指導教授 : 陳右人


番石榴(Psidium guajava L.)葉片具有包括鎮咳、消炎、抗菌、糖尿病治療、止瀉、抗腸痙攣、鎮熱、抗氧化力等保健功效,日本、韓國均有番石榴葉茶之商業產品,然而兩地均非番石榴產地,臺灣以地利之便,番石榴葉之出口貿易具有潛力。番石榴傳統栽培以果實生產為目的,忽略葉片生產所需條件,將來有必要發展以葉用為目的之生產,首重葉片之內容物含量及葉片之收量,進而調整番石榴栽培方法,本論文採用不同的遮陰程度與氮素施用量,推估出以生產葉片為目的之較佳的一些生產條件。初步試驗比較葉片前置處理及萃取方式對番石榴葉片總酚類物質含量的影響,以日光萎凋、80%甲醇萃取可以獲得最高總酚類物質含量的葉片萃取液。田間試驗採用四種氮施用量、四種遮陰處理兩因子,進行複因子試驗,測定葉片中總酚類物質含量及礦物元素的含量。氮施用量沒有顯著差異,而不遮陰處理的總酚類物質含量最高。以礦物元素之含量推估 ‘珍珠拔’番石榴葉片中單位乾重的酚類物質含量(TPCDW),可以透過關係式TPCDW = 104.1589 - 0.624 N - 8.3517 P - 0.7065 K - 1.3997 Ca + 7.1919 Mg + 0.1685 Fe + 0.068 Mn + 0.2327 Zn進行計算。


番石榴葉 遮陰 酚類物質


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) leaves were supported by some studies that the curative effects, such as anti-cough, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-diarrhea, intestinal anti-spasmodic, and anti-fever may be effectual. The health drink of guava leaves entered the market in Korea and Japan. It is a highly profitable business of Taiwan to export guava leaves. The traditional cultivation of guava were proposed to produce fruits and ignored those conditions for producing leaves. The sun weathering processing method and 80% methanol were suggest to extract more phenolic compounds from guava leaves. Field experiment of two factor, which were nitrogen and shading dosage, were hold to test the phenolic content in guava leaves. There are no significant difference between treatment of nitrogen dosage. The more shading would gain the less phenolic content. We could estimate the total phenolic content per dry weight (TPCDW) by a regression model, which is TPCDW = 104.1589 - 0.624 N - 8.3517 P - 0.7065 K - 1.3997 Ca + 7.1919 Mg + 0.1685 Fe + 0.068 Mn + 0.2327 Zn.


guava leaves shading nitrogen phenolic compounds


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