  • 學位論文


Effect of chinese herbal medicine (Sheng Hua Tang) on postpartum uterine involution and ovarian activity in dairy cows

指導教授 : 季昭華


生化湯為人醫用於產後調理的中草藥複方,成分為當歸,川芎,桃仁,炮薑,甘草,主要作用為增加產後子宮收縮,加速惡露排出。本研究中生化湯應用在產後乳牛評估其對子宮復舊及卵巢活性的影響,以實驗及對照組各10隻母牛,實驗組於產後開始添加生化湯複方於飼料中於產後五日,對照組不添加。產後7天開始進行觀測,數據每三日記錄一次,連續4週。子宮復舊方面以直腸超音波掃描雙側子宮角,測量並記錄雙側子宮內膜面積和直徑。卵巢活性評估以直腸超音波紀錄優勢濾泡及黃體出現的時間,以尾正中靜脈收集血液樣本,以化學發光分析測定進行黃體素分析。資料顯示, 產後第七天,子宮內膜面積及直徑在給予生化湯的實驗組明顯下降(P <0.01)。子宮內液量在對照組於產後7日,10日 (P <0.01),13日(P <0.05)明顯較高。黃體素分析可發現,實驗組產後第一次排卵時間早於對照組(P=0.06)。因此在本研究可發現臨床使用生化湯於產後乳牛,可加速產後子宮的修復及恢復正常卵巢活性。


Sheng Hua Tang is a prescription of Chinese herbal medicine that applied for early recovery postpartum uterine in human medicine and consisted of Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis), Chuan Xiong(Rhizoma Ligustici), Tao Ren (semen persicae), Pao Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis siccatum), Zhi Gan Cao (Radix glycyrrhizae). The study was to evaluate the effect of Sheng Hua Tang on postpartum uterine involution and ovarian activity in diary cows. The cows divided control group (N=10) and experimental group (N=10), and experimental group receiving Sheng Hua Tang on parturition for 5 days. Starting on postpartum day 7, ultrasonography and blood samples were collected once three days until 4 weeks. Uterine involution was monitored by transrectal ultrasonography, and areas and diameters of endomterium in gravid and nongravid uterine were measured. Presence of luteal tissue was monitored in gravid and ipsilateral ovaries by Ultrasonography and measurement of plasma progesterone (P4) concentractions. Plasma P4 was determined to use a hormonal chemiluminescence technology. Analysis the data, Endometrium areas and diameter was obviously reduced in group of receiving Sheng Hua Tang on 7 day postpartum.(P <0.01 ). The intrauterine fluid volume was significantly higher in the control group on postpartum days 7, 10 (P ≦0.05) and 13 (P ≦0.01).The result also found the first ovulation that experimental group is earlier than control group (table.1, P=0.06). It was concluded that this study establish a positive effect of Sheng Hua Tang on the process of uterine involution and ovarian activity in diary cows.


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