  • 學位論文


Internalizing the External Costs of TV News in Taiwan: An Analysis of Broadcasting Regulations by the National Communications Commission

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


今日,台灣媒體市場已經失靈,當電視新聞播送性、暴力、置入性行銷等報導時,閱聽人無法透過市場機制表達偏好,而經濟學的「外部成本」概念也就成為政府立法管制污染的思考起點。本研究透過C.Edwin Baker所提出之外部成本分析架構,聚焦於電視新聞播送後的外部性,包括:一、民意及政治參與的品質;二、閱聽人與他人的各種互動;三、揭露與嚇阻權力的濫用;四、置入性行銷;五、無意受注意,因傳媒曝光而承受之外部成本;六、對消息來源造成的損失。透過這六類外部成本,本研究將探究台灣電視新聞的外部成本內部化及政府管制成本與效益。 就電視新聞外部成本內部化而言,本研究首先以國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)在2006到2009年對電視新聞核處個案及相關法源為研究對象,刻劃代表性的核處個案,研究發現,台灣在「閱聽人與他人的各種互動」與「置入性行銷」二類外部成本之個案數、罰鍰額分居一、二名;NCC雖希望透過內容管制,敦促業者自律,但媒體也發展出應對策略,唯獨置入性行銷,因有巨大的商業利益,業者自律效果較為有限;而部分電視台為了降低成本,也出現「轉嫁罰鍰給記者」、「轉嫁罰鍰給置入性行銷廣告主」的情況,電視新聞的外部成本也無法由電視台完全吸收,NCC核處的有效性受到挑戰。 其次,本研究檢視了政府管制成本與效益。研究發現,政府管制除了讓業者有成本的壓力,也加強了媒體內部的教育訓練與自律。但,罰鍰雖然造成了規馴,業者也對內容管制的效果產生質疑:管制恐將讓閱聽人無法獲取完整資訊,也可能削弱媒體監督的力量。對此,本研究建議,NCC應該公佈電視節目廣告諮詢會議的發言紀錄,並就本研究所提供之相關指標,重新審度罰鍰額度。


Media market in Taiwan faces market failure today. As TV news broadcast sex, violence and product placement, it is hardly possible for the audience to express their preferences through market mechanisms. For this reason, the economic concept of “external costs” becomes the rationale behind government regulation on the media. Based on the framework of analysis proposed by C. Edwin Baker, this research focuses on six external costs incurred after the TV news is being broadcast, including: First, the quality of public opinion and political participation; Second, the various interactions between the audience members and other people; Third, the abuse of powers to expose and to deter; Fourth, the positive benefits to people or entities who want their messages being spread (product placement); Fifth, the negative effects on those who do not want to attract media attention; And finally, the losses to media sources. Through these six types of external costs, this research aims to explore the internalizing of external costs of TV news in Taiwan and the costs and benefits of governmental regulation on TV news. Regarding the internalizing of external costs of TV news, I first target and analyze the TV news cases that were penalized by the National Communications Commission (NCC) from 2006 to 2009. The result shows that two types of external costs, namely “the various interactions between the audience members and other people” and “product placement”, are both the most commonly penalized and largely fined cases, with the former surpassing the later. Even though NCC wishes to foster TV news self-regulation by imposing content regulation on them, the media have nonetheless developed counter strategies. In the case of product placement, we see poor self-regulation due to enormous business interests; in other cases, we see “transfer of fine bearer from company to individual journalists or to advertisement clients.” These phenomena challenge the effectiveness of penalties issued by the NCC; furthermore, this shows that the external costs engendered by the TV news cannot be comprehensively taken up by TV news companies. Regarding the costs and benefits of governmental regulation, the result shows that regulation not only gives the companies more pressure on cost, but also enhances their internal education training and self-regulation. However, any compliance a fine may make, companies themselves still doubt the effectiveness of content regulation, claiming that regulation may lead to incomprehensive information provided to the audience, or may slash the guardian power of the media. Thus, this research suggests the NCC should reveal every voice records internal meetings. Besides, this research also provides indices for the NCC to reassess the range of fines in the future.


