  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Innovative Internet Marketing:A Case Study of a Rice Firm

指導教授 : 孫立群




Web-marketing becomes one of the most important channels between the enterprise and its(existing/potential)customers. It also is a powerful information management system because it can help enterprise to understand their existing customers and what they want, what they need. As we know, a better web-marketing will bring about loyalty from the existing customers and stimulate the interests in the enterprise from the potential customers. This study will adopt qualitative and in-depth interview as research methodology. Through real case study, and create a prototype web-marketing system to evaluate which kind of framework they need when rice industry need to install the webmarketing. Hopefully, this business model could easily obtain the customer repeat purchasing probability and population through the implementation of web-marketing system, and then projects the future sales situation. The result of the research could be consulted by the other industry to create their consumer behavior and web marketing framework.


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