  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Liability in Contract for Misrepresentation

指導教授 : 詹森林


契約當事人或第三人為與事實不符之陳述,他方因而締結契約,該合意即存在瑕疵。基於保障契約當事人締約自由之目的,英美法上不實陳述契約責任,允許不實陳述之相對人撤銷契約或請求損害賠償。2009年日本民法(債權法)修正草案增訂不實陳述為意思表示瑕疵之一,歐洲契約法原則(PECL)及共同參考架構(DCFR)允許因合理信賴他方於締約時提供之不實資訊致受損害者,得請求損害賠償。本文擬從比較法的觀點,分析前開外國立法例對不實陳述契約責任之論述,並對照我國法上可能如何處理不實陳述契約責任之案例。全文共分六章: 第一章:緒論。說明我國學界如何解釋「Misrepresentation」一詞,及本文研究範圍以不實陳述契約責任為主,並以英美法及我國實際案例指出問題重點所在,以利本文論述之推展。 第二章:英國法。說明在英國法上如何定義不實陳述,怎樣之陳述內容會構成不實陳述,分析歸納不實陳述契約責任之構成要件與法律效果,並簡述不實陳述契約責任與債務不履行責任、錯誤之區別。 第三章:美國法。說明在美國法上如何定義不實陳述,怎樣之陳述內容會構成不實陳述,分析歸納不實陳述契約責任之構成要件與法律效果,並簡述不實陳述契約責任與物之瑕疵擔保責任、錯誤、詐欺之區別。 第四章:日本法與歐洲契約法。本章先簡述日本這次民法修正草案增訂關於不實陳述條文的內容,並闡述於2001年施行之消費者契約法與這次民法修正草案之關聯及法理基礎,簡述不實陳述契約責任與錯誤之區別。本章第二部份,闡述歐洲契約法原則(PECL)及共同參考架構(DCFR)不實資訊的規定,並說明其立法意旨。 第五章:我國法。本章比較我國法上要約引誘、錯誤、締約上過失、詐欺、一般危險責任等法概念,與比較法上不實陳述契約責任之區別,並以我國法院實務判決為例,分析依比較法上不實陳述契約責任的規範,可能的處理方式。 第六章:結論。由於我國現行民法規範不足,試圖自解釋論及立法論的角度,填補規範漏洞。


This thisis is concerned with one party’s misunderstanding about something which he says was relevant to his decision to enter into the contract, and the misunderstanding was caused by the other party, or other person. In English, as to a misrepresentation inducing a contract, the misrepresentee may rescind the contract even if purely innocent. The misrepresentee may recover the damage in tort or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967. In US, the misrepresentee may also rescind the contract and recover the damage under certain conditions in the common law. In the draft amendment to the Japanese Civil Code presented by Draft Proposals The Japanese Civil Code (Law of Obligations) Reform Commission on April 29, 2009, a new article numbered 1.5.15 about misrepresentation is added. The purpose of this Article is to allow the misrepresentee to escape from the contract. The thesis is composed of six chapters: Chapter 1. Preface. The motives and the purposes of the thesis are described in the beginning of the research. And it also introduces the ways that the professors in Taiwan interpret the legal term "misrepresentation". Chapter 2. English Law. It defines the definition of misrepresentation and how the English law decides whether a representation remains a "mere representation" outside the contract or becomes incorporated as a term of the contract. It also describes the requirements of an actionable misrepresentation, and the rescission and damage for misrepresentation. Chapter 3. US Law. It defines the definition of misrepresentation, the requirements of an actionable misrepresentation, and the rescission and damage for misrepresentation in the US common law. It also describes the difference between English law and US law as to the liability for misrepresentation. Chapter 4. Japanese Law and European Contract Law. It introduces the draft amendment to the Japanese Civil Code which is added a new article about misrepresentation. It also introduces the Japanese Consumer Contract Law and the difference between it and the draft amendment to the Japanese Civil Code. In the second part of this chapter, it introduces the articles about the misleading information in Principles of European contract law (PECL) and Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Chapter 5. Taiwan Law. It compares several legal terms in Taiwan law with misrepresentation and it attempts to explain the solutions in Taiwan law for misrepresentation cases. Chapter 6. Conclusion and Suggestion. The final chapter attempts to answer the questions mentioned in chapter1 and some suggestions are also made for the advices to Taiwan Civil Code.


3 向明恩,德國締約上過失理論之發展,國立台北大學法學論叢第七
4 吳從周,民法上之法律漏洞、類推適用與目的性限縮,東吳法律學
9 莊永丞,論證券價格操縱行為之規範理論基礎--從行為人散布流言
17 廖蕙玟,民法第八十八條意思表示錯誤之類型與界限,中正大學


曹桂綾(2017)。不當干擾締約之救濟 -以消費者契約為中心〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700145
