  • 學位論文


Formalist developmetal state and the Regional Restructuring of Taiwan in Global Informationalization

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


區域再結構(regional restructuring)意味著集居模式在全國層次上轉化,它們與現有的空間模式截然不同。區域發展的傳統觀點為人口、活動、服務等都向都會區集中。這種區域性過程(regional process)是生產與社會結構所決定的社會過程,它持續不斷地因經濟的成長而在空間上造成人口的集中與不均等發展(uneven development)。然而,當這樣的改變卻發生了,然後,支持了空間經濟上(spatial economic)的根本改變,我們稱為都市—區域再結構(urban-regional restructuring)。全世界現在都正在經歷這樣的過程,我們的假說是:空間轉化是高科技崛起與基本的經濟轉化的結果。在台灣區域結構的改變過程中,人口流動的方向代表著競爭力與城市活力的來源,目前我們觀察到與以往的南北兩極增長模式不同,台灣選舉政治上習見的南北差距提法已不足以解釋目前台灣的區域再結構趨勢。我們可以說,當前台灣區域結構的改變,或許是全球經濟競爭下國家政策支持的高科技崛起與城際間運輸政策所造成的經濟轉化的結果,而在這個轉變過程中台灣的發展型國家已逐漸失去原本帶領產業與重分配的腳色,其產業發展政策造成的空間效果,在區域間形成更大的編納與排除效果,土地開發效果往往大於實際的產業領導效果,經濟成長也不能直接代表整體社會受益,因此本文將之稱為形式主義發展型國家。


“Regional restructuring” means the transformation of settlement pattern of population activities at national level that goes against the existing spatial pattern. Traditional view of regional development considers the metropolitan concentration is the highest level of economic growth and population, activities, services... concentration. The regional process is the social processes determined by production and social structure, because of the continuing process of economy growth leads the dynamics of population concentration and uneven development. However, when the change occurs, and supports a fundamental transformation of the spatial economy, which we call “urban and regional restructuring”. The whole world is currently undergoing such a process, and our hypothesis is that spatial transformation is the result of the rise of high technology and fundamental economy transformation. In the process of regional structure transformation in Taiwan, population flow means the sources of competition and urban activity. We observe a pattern different from the original north-south growth pattern; the claim of north-south gap in Taiwan elect political assumption is insufficient to explain the trend of regional restructure in Taiwan. We can say that the transformation of regional structure in Taiwan may be the result of the rise of high technology and inter-urban transportation policy that supported by state policies in the global economic competition. In the process of industry restructure, the developmental state in Taiwan is losing it’s leading role, and the effect of industry policies made social inclusion and exclusion, we can found Land interests effect is more Significant than industry development in recent regional restructure process. Economy growth is no longer shared by every part of society as usual. As a result, we name “formalist developmental state” to descript the role transform of the developmental state in Taiwan.


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