  • 學位論文


The Effects of Cigarette Package Warning Size and Use of Pictures on Senior High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱玉蟬


摘要 本研究目的為了解臺灣吸菸青少年看到菸盒警示圖文的影響,主要是探討不同「威脅強度」、「威脅類別」與「圖片尺寸」之菸盒警示圖文,以及其人口背景變項和環境人際影響因素,是否會影響青少年產生不同之態度及感知。 研究母群體為九十九學年度第二學期就讀於大台北的高中職學生,研究對象的選取採方便取樣法,研究工具採結構式問卷,唯放置網路上請學生上網填答,共回收213份有效問卷。研究重要結果如下: 一、 經過實驗操作菸盒警圖的「威脅強度」、「威脅類別」之後,不同的菸盒警圖會對四項菸盒警圖效果產生表現情形,分別是「健康感知」、「恐懼情緒」、「勸阻效果」和「行動意願」 二、 「威脅強度」會對「恐懼情緒」產生表現情形,高威脅強度的恐懼分數顯著高於低威脅;操作「威脅類別」之後,會對「健康感知」、「勸阻效果」和「行動意願」產生表現情形,健康威脅類別的三項分數顯著高於社會威脅類別。 三、 高度威脅的警示圖文會對他們造成恐懼情緒的影響,高度健康威脅以及高度社交威脅圖片皆然。然而特定的人口背景變項和吸菸影響因素,會一定程度對菸盒警圖產生影響。 四、 吸菸高中職生之「環境人際影響」程度越高,其在菸盒警圖的三項效果上表現會越差,分別是「恐懼情緒」、「勸阻效果」和「行動意願」;「菸害自覺」程度越低,其在「健康感知」和「勸阻效果」的表現會越差。 本研究結果建議,設計菸盒警圖宜放上高度威脅類別,此外,需要考慮到吸菸者的年齡、環境人際影響程度和菸害自覺程度,會對菸盒警圖的態度感知產生影響。 關鍵字:菸盒警示圖文、菸害防制、青少年、健康感知、行動意願


Abstract This research aims to heed the effects of cigarette package warnings in different sizes and patterns . Researcher has sought to observe the impact of these graphic warnings, primarily set on three diverse parts which are "fear strengths" ,"fear categories" and "image sizes" of the cigarette package warnings. Researcher has selected a few warning labels and taken “demographic backgrounds”, “interpersonal factors” and “environmental factors” into accounts to examine how these factors would influence young people in their attitudes and perceptions. This study was completed at several randomly picked senior high schools in Taipei, and the researcher has adopted convenience sampling methods and structured questionnaires. There was a total of 213 high school respondents who took part in this voluntary study. The results are as follows: After manipulating “fear strengths” and “fear categories”. The outcome indicates how these different warning graphics work by arousing teenage smokers out of four motives, “health perception”, “fears”, “discourages effect” and “willingness to act”. The second operational level is the "fear strengths", which has two level of strength. “High fear level” will post more “fear” than ”low fear level”; “the health fear category” have more significant performances on “health perception”, “discourages effect” and “willingness to act” than “social fear category”. Third, the “high fear level” of warning label would create an impact of “fear”, not only in “health fear category”, but also in “social fear category”. However, specific “demographic variables” and “environmental factors” of smokers will, to some extent, play important parts in the perception of cigarette package warning. Fourth, the higher “environment factors” smokers have, the worse “fear”, “discourages effect”, and “willingness to act” they perform. Besides, the lower level of “the awareness of tobacco threat”, the worse “health perception” and “discourages effect” they demonstrate. The findings suggest that the warning graphic design on cigarette package should be “high fear category” oriented. In addition, we should consider the factors of “age”, “interpersonal factors” and “the awareness of tobacco threat” of smokers, which would cause an impact on the smokers’ attitude toward cigarette package warning. Keywords: cigarette package warning, tobacco control, youth, health perception, willingness to act


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