  • 學位論文


Integration of BRT and Feeder Services

指導教授 : 張學孔


公車捷運系統(Bus Rapid Transit, BRT)為一種以軌道思維行公車營運的公共運輸系統,由於具有營運彈性之特性,公車系統在與BRT進行整合規劃時除考量原本的接駁服務外,在高需求路段更可行駛於BRT幹線,以「區間車」之服務型態提供接駁與直達的整合服務。如何同時整合BRT與接駁、直達公車服務來滿足運輸走廊的需求,以充分運用系統之營運彈性,實為BRT規劃設計的重要課題。 本研究之目的係基於此彈性營運特性而建構公車系統與BRT之整合模式,在使用者與營運者成本最小化之目標下,以分析性數學探討BRT走廊之最佳直達公車與BRT營運班距、最佳直達公車路線間距、最佳區間車服務範圍,並藉由敏感度分析探討單位時間成本、BRT走廊服務範圍、BRT行駛速率、需求函數與模式變數之相關性與影響程度。 本研究以台中市第一條BRT之服務範圍作為模式應用案例,並以台中市BRT規劃的相關參數與需求特性作為模式輸入,研究建立之模式和分析結果可以作為主管機關及BRT營運單位之參考。


Bus rapid transit (BRT) has been known for its characteristics of flexible operation of bus system and service quality of rail system. Therefore, bus system can be integrated with BRT in two ways: (1) it can be a traditional feeder service and (2) it can be an integration of feeder service and direct service running on BRT Lane. How to integrate BRT, feeder and direct services in a BRT corridor becomes one of the important issues in planning and design of BRT. This study aims to develop mathematical model for integration of BRT and feeder bus services. Under a total cost minimization objective, the decision variables consist of the headway of direct service and BRT, the route spacing of direct service and service range of shuttle bus on BRT truck line. The relations between the decision variables and system parameters are also identified analytically. The BRT Route1 in Taichung City is used as a case study. It illustrates the applicability of the model developed. Research results and analytic models will be useful for planning and design of BRT and the integration with feeder services.


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