  • 學位論文


Lin Yang-gang and China--History, Career and Choice

指導教授 : 石之瑜


林洋港是台灣政治史上著名的臺籍政治菁英,出生並成長於日本殖民時期的臺灣,接受日本的教育,熟稔日語,卻有著對中國的認同,在臺灣光復後成為中華民國的基層官員,並成為國民黨的重要人物。 本文敘述林洋港所處的時空背景,以了解當時客觀的社會環境;而因個人接受的訊息皆為單一個案,因此必須對林洋港個人的主觀認知進行分析,以了解林洋港所認知的世界。因此本文對林洋港在日本殖民時期的生活,以及臺灣光復後的發展、成為政府官員後的行為作出整理,梳理出林洋港的中國認識脈絡與發展並與李登輝作出比較。 本研究旨在分析林洋港如何接受與理解所得之訊息,進而發展對中國的認識。本研究發現,林洋港在長輩的敘述和親身的經驗中對日本有著負面的印象,而對中國有了歸屬感,實際接觸中華民國政府的官員和領導者後,強化了林洋港對中國以及身為中國人的認同。


Lin Yang-gang is a prominent Taiwanese political elite in the history of Taiwan’s political history. He grew up when Taiwan was under the rule of colonial Japan. While he received Japan’s education and spoke fluent Japanese, he identified largely with China. After Taiwan was returned to The Republic of China (R.O.C.) after World War Two by Japan, he became a grass-root employer of the government and eventually a critical figure of the Kuomintang party. This article describes the background of Lin Yang-gang to understand the objective social environment of his time. However, since these messages are mostly from individual cases, there is the need to analyze the subjective cognitions of Lin Yang-gang to understand how he views the world. Thus, this article goes through Lin Yang-gang’s life under the colonial Japan rule, how this life changed after Taiwan was returned to R.O.C., and how he acted as a member of the R.O.C. government to organize the above into Lin Yang-gang’s perspective on China and how this perspective developed. I would also compare this development of perspective with Lee Teng-hui. This research aims to analyze how Lin Yang-gang received and understood messages and how they developed into his perspective on China. This research discovers that because of elders’ descriptions on Japan and his own experience, he had a negative image on Japan, which leads to his sense of belonging on China. After he actually worked with the officials and leaders of the R.O.C. government, Lin Yang-gang consolidated his identification with China and his sense of identity as a Chinese.


吳文星,1992,《日據時期臺灣社會領導階層之研究 》,臺北市 :五南。


