  • 學位論文

醫美產業結合電子商務與組織行銷之創新商業模式 —從台灣經驗看大陸

An innovative business model that combines esthetic medicine, e-commerce and marketing organization —Implications for the Chinese market from Taiwan's perspective

指導教授 : 湯明哲


隨著經濟發展與社會逐漸成熟,人們對健康與美的追求已成為普世的價值,這樣社會風氣的改變也造就了醫美產業的興起。醫學美容運用先進的科技以及創新的材料與配方,使這個新興的產業在短短十數年間達成飛躍式的發展。近年來產業有逐漸邁向成熟的趨勢,而醫美產業的高附加價值特性也吸引了老將新秀不斷投身這塊領域,造成台灣醫美市場的成長趨緩。然而,醫美產業本身獨特的性質使然,除了醫美技術及手術本身之外,其後續牽動的相關領域包括護膚、美容、養生、保健、居家保養等等所能開創的商機無限,也令身處在日趨飽和醫美市場的眾人,不得不開始朝向其他多元方向拓展。 在近年來趨近於完全競爭市場的台灣,高成本的傳統行銷模式已然不適用。我們觀察到:由於產業特性之故,醫美客戶與從業人員之間存在高信任度和高依存度,恰與直銷業者注重人際關係連結的屬性一致。若再與時勢所趨的網際網路電子商務做結合,必能產生倍數擴散的效應。於是我們試著讓醫美診所群,借助美商美安公司的超連鎖組織系統,搭載電子商務的平台,分享更多客戶並為客戶提供更完整的周邊服務。 台灣市場規模雖然不大,但卻別具戰略意義。在各產業領域,包括醫美和直銷電子商務,都對大陸有著範例性的影響。如果這樣的營運模式能夠複製並移轉入大陸的醫療美容產業,用合作取代競爭關係,對於兩岸醫美服務的接軌,整體服務水平的提升都能起相乘相加的效應。彼此合作,一起創造更大的商機與獲利。


With the economic and social development, the pursuit of beauty, youth and health has become a universal value. Such changes in the society have given the rise of medical beauty or esthetic industry. Within a decade, through advanced technologies and materials, the medical cosmetic industry has experienced dramatic growth... The high value-added and potential profitability of medical esthetic industry have attracted many physicians to join this field constantly, and hereby reduced the economic pie of the whole industry. As a result, the industry has gradually reached maturity. However, the unique nature of the medical esthetic industry opens a significant avenue for future growth. The medical esthetic technology and surgery are highly related to post-surgery services, such as skin care, beauty, health, health care, home care and etc. Thus it creates unlimited business opportunities and redirect the increasingly saturated market to expand towards other synergistic directions. As patents need post-surgery services and there is a high degree of trust between patients and medical professionals, we can apply a low cost direct sales through platform model to esthetic clinics so that esthetic clinics can be equipped to conduct e-commerce in beauty supplies. More specifically, esthetic clinics can use a US super-chain organizational systems to service more customers and provide more complete peripheral services. Although Taiwan’s market size is small, it possesses unique strategic significance to the Chinese market. The new business model proposed in this thesis could have a significant impact on Chinese medical cosmetic industry. In doing so, we may replace competition with cooperation, enhance the cross-strait medical beauty services standards, and improve the overall level of services that can create greater opportunities and profits for each other.


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