  • 學位論文


Preference and Market Segmentation of the Mature Age on Long Stay

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


本文是以50∼64歲間之熟年世代(Mature age)為研究對象,利用長宿休閒生活型態作為市場區隔變數,採選擇試驗法及隨機效用模型,探討熟年世代對長宿休閒的產品屬性之偏好與願付價格(WTP)。本研究透過問卷調查方式對大台北地區熟年世代進行,共回收315份問卷,其中298份為有效問卷(佔94.6%)。調查結果顯示:受訪者中具國內長宿經驗者有91人(30.5%),具有國外長宿經驗者有73人(24.5%),其中有30人(13.4%)兼具國內外長宿經驗,至於目前未有長宿相關經驗但未來願意嘗試的有143人(48%),而不考慮嘗試的有31人(10.4%)。在進行長宿休閒的主要動機以想放鬆過鄉村生活(21.9%)、對當地風俗民情和文化有興趣(21.8%)居多。在長宿休閒停留點的選擇上,七成的人都以有自然風光景色為首要考量。在過去一年中,有85位(28.5%)受訪者曾在國內進行長宿休閒,這些人長宿消費行為如下:一年內長宿次數以一次最多佔54.1%;結伴對象以家人居多佔60%;同行的成員人數以3-5人最多佔61.9%。最常選擇的住宿類型為民宿和渡假飯店,分別佔32.1%和29.8%;最常去的長宿地點以花蓮29.4%居首,其次是南投20%;長宿休閒停留的時間以一週最多佔84.7%;平均每次食宿費用以「4,000-6,000元/人」、「6,001-8,000元/人」居多各佔22.4%和23.5%,食宿費用支出在12,000元以下之累計比例佔71.8%。選擇長宿季節以夏、秋兩季最多分別是32.9%和30.6%。 本文根據問卷調查取得之初級資料,利用因素分析法從長宿休閒生活型態題項萃取出5個構面,分別命名為自然健康、充實生活、嘗鮮體驗、團客、農趣;再利用集群分析法將大台北熟年世代區隔成二個族群,分別命名為健康團客族和自然嘗鮮族,此兩群受訪者之社經背景,只有在教育程度上有顯著差異。而利用效用函數實證分析之結果顯示,大台北熟年世代對基本方案(自然景觀、花蓮、休閒農場、不供餐、交通便利性低之組合) 之偏好是負向且具統計顯著性。而在個別屬性等級方面相較於基準(base level),對台東、休閒農場、提供一般三餐、交通便利性高等具顯著的正向偏好;反觀對人文景觀、台中、長宿公寓、價格等具顯著的負向偏好,價格符合一般人對低價的偏好。本研究亦對社經變數、長宿經驗及生活型態群等交叉項進行分析,上述變數與截距項ASC交叉項之估計結果,僅有男性對基本方案有正向顯著之偏好;而與屬性等級的交叉項方面,在年齡、主要經濟來源、可支配所得及生活型態群等有部分顯著。在長宿休閒組合方案的願付價格方面,基本方案的總效益是3,180元,最佳方案的組合為自然景觀、花蓮、休閒農場、提供一般三餐、交通便利性高,將為受訪者帶來22,593元效益,反觀最差方案組合為人文景觀、台中、長宿公寓、不供餐和交通便利性低,將導致負的總效益損失約26,992元。本研究結果顯示健康團客族和自然嘗鮮族對長宿休閒的產品屬性的確存在異質性的偏好。


Targeting on the Mature Age Group in the Greater Taipei Area, namely the adults between 50 to 64 years old, this thesis, taking long-stay life styles as market segmentation and applying choice experiment and random utility model, aims to discuss the Mature Age Group’s preferences and their willingness to pay (WTP) for attributes of long-stay. The data of this thesis comes from a survey questionnaire distributed to the objects of this targeted Mature Age Group. Among the responded 315 questionnaires, 298 were valid (94.8%). According to the survey, 91 respondents (30.5%) had domestic long-stay experiences (24.5%), 73 had overseas long-stay experiences, and among these 2 categories, 30 (13.4%) respondents had both domestic and overseas long-stay experiences. For those who had no experience in long-stay related activities, there are 143 respondents (48%) willing to take long stay trips in the future, while 31 (10.4%) are not interested at all. The motivations for long-stay activities are mainly the desire to experience relaxed rural life (21.9%) and interests in the local people, customs and culture (21.8%). Regarding the choices of location, 70% of the respondents are taking the natural scenery as their major consideration. There are 85 respondents (28.5) with long-stay experience over the past year, and analyzing their consuming behaviors during these long stay, the research found that: 1. frequency of taking long-stay trips is mostly once a year (54.1%); 2. companions are mostly family members (60%); 3. a group of 3 to 5 people is the most common type for long-stay (61.9%); 4. homestays and hotels are the most common accommodation choices (32.1% and 29.8% accordingly); 5. Hualien is the most visited long-stay destination (29.4%), followed by Nantou (20%); 6. the most common long-stay period is one week (84.7%); 7. the 2 most common average ranges of expenses spent on accommodation and food for each long-stay trip are NT$4,000~6,000/per person (22.4%) and NT$6,001~8,000/per person (23.5%), meanwhile 71.8% spent less than NT$12,000 on accommodation and food for each trip; and 8. summers and autumns are the most favorite seasons for the long-stay activities (32.9% and 30.6% accordingly). 5 dimensions, named individually as Natural Health, Fulfilling Life, Novel Experience, Group Tour Preference and Agricultural Pleasure, were observed when factor analysis was applied, and by means of the 5 dimensions, the cluster analysis separated the Mature Age Group into 2 groups, Health/Group Recreation and Nature/Novelty. Educational level is the only statistically significant difference when the research compared the socioeconomic background of these 2 groups. When the data was further applied with utility function, the result indicated that the preferences of the Mature Age Group are: regarding the basic alternative The Mature Age Group is less attracted to the basic alternative (a combination of base levels, including natural scenery, Hualien, resort farm, no meals, inconvenient traffic), which means the preference coefficient towards the basic alternative is a negative value and it is statistically significant; regarding the attributes The Mature Age Group is more attracted to attributes of Taidung, resort farm, meals of average standard, convenient traffic, but less to attributes of locations with historical and cultural heritage, Taichung, apartment and price, which means the preference towards to the former attributes is a positive value and to the latter ones is a negative value, and they are both statistically significant. Moreover, the price result fits the norm that generally low price is preferred. When the research included socioeconomic variables and interacted with (1) the alternative specific constant (ASC), it found that only male in the Mature Age Group is attracted to the basic alternative; (2) the attributes, only partial attributes within the 3 variables, that are age, main economic resources and disposable income, are statistically significant. On the topic of welfare analysis, the total utility of the basic alternative is NT$3,180, while the best scenario is the combination of natural scenery, Hualien, resort farm, meals of average standard, highly convenient traffic, which brings to the respondents a welfare gain of NT$22,593, while the worst scenario is the combination of historical and cultural heritage, Taichung, apartment, no meals and inconvenient traffic, which causes a welfare reduce of NT$26,992. The result of this research suggests that there are preference heterogeneities over the attributes of long stay between Health/Group recreation and Nature/Novelty groups.


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