  • 學位論文


Seismic Analysis for School Building Retrofitted by Reinforced Concrete External Frames

指導教授 : 鍾立來


目前台灣校舍補強之工法有擴柱補強、翼牆補強、剪力牆補強等補強工法。然而這些補 強工法皆會影響(損壞)到欲補強建築物內部,故本研究乃引入目前台灣較少使用之補強工法, 即為外加構架補強工法。該補強工法是在既有建築物之弱向,前後兩面補上外加構架,以提 升結構之耐震能力。該工法在補強的過程中,不會影響(損壞)欲補強建築物內部,可降低施作 之成本。本研究欲使用外加RC 構架,並以RC 樓版作為既有建築物與外加RC 構架之連結, 藉由RC 樓版將地震力由既有建築物傳遞至外加RC 構架中,此RC 樓版之傳力方式將以剪力 傳入外加RC 構架中。本研究將針對外加RC 構架補強校舍提供一套完整的評估補強方法, 其中包含了:初步評估法、簡易側推分析、側推分析(詳細評估)、補強之初步設計以及樓版容 量與需求。在初步評估法中本研究提出一套外加RC 構架補強之初步評估法,建立外加RC 構 架柱之單位斷面積側向強度、單位長度之靜載重、韌性容量及基本耐震性能,可針對既有校 舍外加RC 構架補強時進行初步設計及補強量之估算,且對於外加RC 構架補強後之校舍亦 可由此方法檢核其合理性。側推分析則參考國震中心之手冊,分析外加RC 構架補強,其中 以ETABS 輔助進行非線性靜力側推分析,可得補強前後之容量曲線及性能目標地表加速度 曲線。本研究提出以初評方法做外加RC 構架補強之初步設計,以計算所需之補強量,可作 為工程師計算補強量之依據,最後提出計算外加RC 構架補強樓版之剪力強度公式,以確定 樓版是否能完全傳遞剪力,即其容量是否足夠。本研究最後提出一套完整的評估補強設計流 程,並以一棟完整之校舍驗證該流程之可行性,可提供工程師在進行補強設計時之參考。


The retrofit methods of school buildings in Taiwan include RC jacketing, wing wall and shear wall etc. However, the school buildings are effected during the construction by those methods. In this paper, we use the method of adding RC external frames where RC slab is used to transfer the shear force between existing building and external frames. In this method, the school buildings are not effected during the construction. So it can decrease the cost. We use the seismic preliminary evaluation, simplified pushover analysis and detailed evaluation to evaluate the seismic performance of the school buildings without and with retrofit. Taking a typical unit of a two-story school building with two classrooms in each floor, from the seismic preliminary evaluation of school building with RC jacketing, the preliminary evaluation of school building with RC external frame is established. So we can use this method to do the preliminary design of school building with RC external frame and check the rationality of school building that has already been retrofitted with RC external frame. Then we use the software ETABS to do the nonlinear static pushover. We can get the capacity curve and the performance peak ground acceleration curve. From the results of pushover analysis, we can use the shear demand formula of the retrofitting slab that we establish in this paper to calculate the shear demand of the retrofitting slab. Then we use the shear formula from Concrete Engineering Design Specification and Commentary as the shear capacity formula of the retrofitting slab. And we can understand the design of retrofitting slab is reasonable. Finally we establish a complete retrofit design process, and we use a full school building structure to verify the rationality of the process. The process can provide the retrofit design suggestion to engineers.


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