  • 學位論文


Seismic Fragility Analysis of Fire Protection Sprinkler Piping Systems in Hospital

指導教授 : 張國鎮


近年來由於性能耐震設計理念的發展,在耐震能力與耐震技術的提昇下,地震造成的災害通常多非建築結構損害,而與醫院中之非結構設備損壞息息相關。醫院非結構設備中,消防撒水系統於小震中漏水或破壞相連之天花板材,可能造成醫療服務中斷之生命損害、醫療設備儀器於消防撒水系統發生漏水時停止運轉或損害、抑或是花費於修復醫療儀器之昂貴費用,而在大震中撒水系統崩落更會直接損及下方使用者,且無法有效阻止震後火災之火勢蔓延。因此,消防撒水系統不同程度之破壞將造成醫院運作時間、金額甚至是生命上的損失,故實有必要以性能設計方法進行消防撒水系統耐震設計補強。 為發展國內醫院消防撒水系統適用之性能設計技術,本研究預期產出消防撒水系統損性曲線,並以案例醫院為範例,針對醫院撒水系統提供一易損性分析流程,以利性能設計使用。本研究各章節概要內容與結果如下所述: 1. 案例醫院微振量測:針對嘉南地區某醫院管線系統進行微振訊號量測,以速度規同時量測結構與管線訊號,得到結構與管線系統特徵頻率以及模態,作為簡化數值模型校正之用。 2. 案例醫院消防撒水系統簡化數值模型:以數值分析軟體SAP2000 v.15建立案例醫院管線系統,以病房管線子系統振動臺實驗結果驗證之,並提出螺紋接頭、隔間牆、天花板等非結構物建議設定參數,並將此管線系統模型作為易損性分析中使用之數值模型。 3. 案例醫院消防撒水系統易損性分析:針對案例醫院消防撒水系統元件提出耐震易損性曲線,結果預測甲仙地震實際發生破壞情形,並針對醫院撒水系統提出參考易損性分析流程。


According to the concept of the performance design, the damage caused by earthquake will not necessary result in the damage to the structure. However, the earthquake disaster will cause the non-structural instruments break. The break of the fire protection sprinkler system will result in death, the working error of the medical equipment and even the expense on repairing the equipment. Therefore, evaluating the seismic design of the fire protection sprinkler system to the performance design level is extraordinary. The common failures of the fire protection sprinkler system are from the damage of the threaded joint leading to the leakage of the pipe water, or the collapse of the ceiling. The research expecting to conduct the non-structural fragility curves in the hospital. And take NTU hospital Yunlin branch as an example to demonstrate a fragility analysis procedure. The abstract of each chapter in the research are: 1. The ambient vibration test in the case hospital: Use the velocimeters to conduct the ambient vibration test to clarify the characteristics of the structure. 2. The simplified numerical model of the fire protection sprinkler system in the case hospital: Use the numerical analysis software SAP2000 v.15 to build the piping system in the hospital. And suggest the parameter of the threaded joint, partition wall and the ceiling. 3. The fragility analysis of the fire protection sprinkler system in the case hospital: Conduct the seismic fragility curves of the fire sprinkler components in the hospital and predict the damage situation under Chia-Shen earthquake. Finally, suggest the fragility analysis procedure.


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[3]Standard For The Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2010 Edition, NFPA
[4]Quantification of Building Seismic Performance Factors.(2009) FEMA P-695


