  • 學位論文


Mango, Blindness and Busyness: The Analysis of Social process in the Practice of Production and Market of Mango-A Case Study of YuJing

指導教授 : 陳東升


高度勞動與市場盲目常做為臺灣小農被剝削的形象,需依賴政府資源提升競爭力,然而這背後是依靠著經濟人的預設,而非實際看見農民做為行動者的社會過程。本文討論的社會過程區分為技術知識、結構性交易與商品生產三個部份,以芒果果農做為中心行動者,將果農擺回到勞動現場,轉化在地社群與交易代理者這兩類行動者的影響,呈現於商品生產的勞動情境。本研究自2013年10月至2015年6月參與觀察玉井3個芒果專業農戶的生產現場,並透過理論抽樣深度訪談15位與通路制度或實作有關的單位和個人。本研究的概念框架:首先,利用脈絡性技術與雙向轉譯,分析科學社群與在地社群在知識生產的過程。接著,延用市場社會學的政治-文化取徑,分析果農和交易代理者所在的交易規範與互動邏輯,呈現結構性交易的過程。最後,藉由價值形成與價值增殖的過程,重新詮釋果農勞動中的技術知識與交易考量,並指向商品拜物教的效果。 研究發現:一、科學社群與在地社群皆進行知識生產工作,需依賴可信度的展演才能運作轉譯,但因科學社群和政府權力結盟,造成科學社群的敘事遮掩了在地社群的脈絡性技術。二、玉井果農與交易代理者的交易行為,在政府為獲取農業自由化的正當性,以品質訊息透明與否,介入交易規範改造,依現代/傳統的分類線,呈現出具有地位階序的通路結構和不斷調適的生產者利基。三、勞務規劃和經營策略做為果農組織商品生產的一體兩面,對應交易行為的經營策略,反應在生理調控、品種分配與作物搭配的組合,透過栽培技術與勞務分配的結合,展現成勞務規劃的錯開技能,構成商品生產的生產技術並且掩蓋勞動價值。四、玉井果農透過生產技術在不同通路的存活情況,將其肯認為個體競爭的成果,而非勞動本身,所以同意現行的制度運作,志願性服從剩餘分配的關係,無法在經濟面向產生團結的基礎。


In the perspective of homo economics, peasants in Taiwan are often considered as exploitation because of high labor intensity and their lack of insight in market dynamics, and therefore they rely on government resources to enhance their competitiveness. However, this perspective has masked the role of the peasants as actors in social process. In this study, the social process is distinguished into three parts-techno-knowledge, structured exchange, and commodity production. It brings peasants back to the scene of labor, and they transform influences of the local community and transactional agents in a situation of labor. This study was conducted with participant observation in three professional farmers of mango production in YuJing and in-depth interviews of 15 institutions and people that were related practices and regulation of market by theoretical sampling from October, 2013, to June, 2015. The following is a framework of concepts. First, the process of knowledge production between science community and local community is analyzed by contextual technology and bilateral translation. Second, following political-cultural approach of sociology of market, the process of structured exchange by an analysis of regulation of exchange and consideration of interaction between farmers and transactional agents is displayed. Finally, technical knowledge and transactional considerations through the process of creating value and of valorization are reinterpreted for unfolding commodity fetishism. This study has four discoveries. First, with translation by different performance of credibility, both science community and local community have contributed to knowledge production, but the narrative of science community has veiled the contextual technology of local community because of a coupling between science community and the power of the government. Second, for legitimization of liberalization of agricultural policies, the government modified the regulation of exchange by information transparency of production quality, and built a classification of modern/tradition. Then, exchange between YuJing orchardists and transactional agents emerges a hierarchical status of market architecture and producer niches of continuously adjusting. Third, work planning and operation strategy that cannot be separated organize production of commodity. Operation strategy, situated in exchange scene, that assembles physiological control, varieties allocation, and crops disposition combines with work planning, staggering limited labor and promoting quality of labor, that practices a combination between cultivation techniques and labor allocation. They constitute techniques of commodity production that mask the value of labor. Finally, by realization of production techniques in different market place, orchardists recognize an achievement of individual competition instead of labor per se so that they consent commodity institution and have voluntary servitude in exploitation, and they could not have economic solidarity in their livelihood experience.


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