  • 學位論文


Urban Resonance: Intertexuality Between Dong-Po’s Ci Lyrics and Hangzhou City in Northern Song

指導教授 : 劉少雄


城市文化與文體發展密不可分,然而文本背後的社會歷史脈絡卻常在文學研究中被淡化,而僅著重在作家研究與文本分析上。尤其詞體的娛樂目的性質與城市、文化發展更息息相關,討論其背後的社會文化淵源更有其必要。本文雖以「東坡詞中的杭州書寫」為題,但著重的並非東坡如何描繪杭州,或是其詞作所表現出的杭州城市風貌為何,我關心的是城市與詞體如何交流互動,如何提供彼此養分,如何互相指涉、映照,形成具有時代風貌的文體特徵與城市氛圍。杭州是東坡踏上填詞之路的關鍵城市,城市的風氣、氛圍、習俗無不推促文人以詞此一新興文體來創作。 東坡兩度來到杭州,前後十五年,東坡歷經了生命的百轉千迴,頻繁的生離死別際遇,加之烏台詩案九死一生的驚惶,再次舊地重遊,更感生命的無常。前、後兩期杭州詞作具有鮮明的差異,而這兩階段作品的差異主要由於作者心境轉變之故,然而仍有些較為客觀的因素左右詞作風格、口吻與內容的變化。在這些差異底下,也隱微地帶有專屬於杭州的城市特色。本文先從北宋時期的杭州城談起,再初步整理東坡以前的文人杭州詞,試圖探看文人選擇以詞此一文體來創作他們對杭州的記憶,是否也隨著朝代更替、時代推移而有一段顯見的書寫歷程?接著進入東坡的作品,除了再次分梳東坡前、後兩期杭州詞作的差異,也將東坡創作的杭州詩、詞兩種文體提出比較,說明詞體比起詩體更適於用以書寫杭州。最後切入本文的主題,先細步地由文本梳理兩階段杭州詞作的共性,歸納詞體與杭州在人文與自然面上互相定義的現象,並進一步由北宋時期杭州的政治處境與東坡個人對杭州的情感來論,以期能更多面向地探看城市與文體之間相互對話、互動的關係,更企圖從東坡杭州詞作中歸納出地域性特色,打破歷來其杭州詞分屬第一和最後一階段的分期方式。


杭州 東坡詞 城市 文體 互文關係


Cities and genres are always mutually defined. However, social and cultural contexts of literary works are often neglected in Chinese literature studies in Taiwan, as scholars shed more lights on author studies and text analysis. For the genre ci, the importance of social contexts outweighs those in other genres, since ci is mainly written for entertainments, which is closely bonded with society and culture. As a result, I intend to focus on the interactions between Hangzhou the city and ci the genre to investigate how this urban genre communicates with the most prosperous city in Northern Song. Hangzhou is the very city where Dong-Po started to compose ci consistently and frequently. In addition, it is also the city he had governed twice in his lifetime. During the fifteen years of interval between the two reigns in Hangzhou, Dong-Po experienced so many twists in his life; even a narrow escape from death. The works he composed in the early period and the latter one also show great differences. This is mainly because of the changes of Dong-Po’s own perspectives. However, there are also other factors. In order to figure out how Hangzhou city and ci intertexaulize with each other, I first deal with the city itself in Northern Song; then I research through Hangzhou ci anterior to Dong-Po’s, seeing if there exists a transitional writing process. After that, I compare Dong-Po’s former and latter ci works, and his Hangzhou poetry and Hangzhou ci lyrics to see what resulted in the differences other than his change of perspectives and the particularities of genres. In the last part, I investigate through the similarities in these two periods of Hangzhou ci, trying to find out the interwoven intertexuality between Hangzhou and Dong-Po’s ci lyrics. Through the research, I hope to deconstruct the traditional periodic categories of Dong-Po’s ci, attempting to make regional factor a new categorization.


Hangzhou Dong-Po ci city, genre interextuality


Robert E. Park, The City: Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment, The City, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1925.
Malcolm Miles, Cities and Cultures, London: Routledge, 2007.
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, translated by Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell, What is Philosophy, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
